Selftaught individual who speaks 0's & 1s. Mixture of passsion and profession. Be my guest let's discuss anything.
Pinned Repositories
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😎 A curated list of awesome GitHub Profile READMEs 📝
Internet-scale Neural Networks
Open-source customer engagement suite, an alternative to Intercom, Zendesk, Salesforce Service Cloud etc. 🔥💬
Meet Me .! Misbah Ur Rahman. Selftaught individual who speaks 0's & 1s. Mixture of passsion and profession. Be my guest let's discuss anything.
:helicopter: Port of node-ar-drone which allows user to control a Parrot AR Drone over PHP
Bot written in python with selinum for automatic reposting. It is just use concept of slenium you can modify the code and per your needs
This is a simple student sessional based project where you can add student info into SQLLitw
Bittensor Blockchain Layer
VMware Workstation 15.x.x serial keys. Education purpose use for students who want to use VMware Workstation 15.x.x serial key and can't pay for. Good Luck with your studies
hybridonroot's Repositories
VMware Workstation 15.x.x serial keys. Education purpose use for students who want to use VMware Workstation 15.x.x serial key and can't pay for. Good Luck with your studies
Meet Me .! Misbah Ur Rahman. Selftaught individual who speaks 0's & 1s. Mixture of passsion and profession. Be my guest let's discuss anything.
:helicopter: Port of node-ar-drone which allows user to control a Parrot AR Drone over PHP
😎 A curated list of awesome GitHub Profile READMEs 📝
Bot written in python with selinum for automatic reposting. It is just use concept of slenium you can modify the code and per your needs
This is a simple student sessional based project where you can add student info into SQLLitw
Thank you for all of the stars! :)
Simple Java based Algorithm that demonstrates deletion of all occurrences of given input.
Internet-scale Neural Networks
Template Design for a Bittensor subnetwork
Open-source customer engagement suite, an alternative to Intercom, Zendesk, Salesforce Service Cloud etc. 🔥💬
A C++ Based program to practice the conditional statements. Bill consumption status program as an example.
C++ Based Algorithms to draw different shapes of box and inside box.
A C++ Based Algorithm to Change unit of a data.
The colvis button type provides a columns option to allow you to select what columns should be included in the column visibility control list. This option is a column-selector and thus a number of methods to select the columns included are available including jQuery selectors and data index selectors.
The Open Source DocuSign Alternative.
A beautiful starting point for your next TALL stack project using Filament. ⚡
Example Flutter project with an embedded Unity project with AR Foundation and echo3D Integrated
ABOUT US While legal, economic, technological discourses are driving human intellectual discourses through a transformational phase and hence trickling down the effects to general masses globally, Muslim societies are a no exception. Being a dominant civilization, Western Enlightenment provides a cradle to most of such discourses leaving an impact on the individual as well as the collective or societal realms. Unlike many other societies with civilization backgrounds other than Islam, sections of the Muslim societies have attempted to offer a great deal of resistance to such tidings and at the same time struggling to offer an alternative discourse package which is rooted into their own paradigm of Tawhid. As a next level, it wants to offer solutions to the issues from the perspective of their own knowledge and heritage which once spur from such a paradigm. Shaybani Foundation would be adding itself into the line of an intellectual corpse by educating the individuals from a multitude of areas to understand the As-Is status of the Muslims in the present day scenario and how to cope with the challenges which are being faced by Muslims and humanity at large. In addition to academic trainings, SY would be perusing for a genuine intellectual activity in various domains and produce adequate literature in the form of books, journals, research articles and so on. This whole effort is expected to contribute to the overall intellectual activity which would ultimately bring a confidence among Muslims about their heritage, explore the solutions to the issue being faced today and pitch recommendation when and where deemed necessary.
This react_native application was built with Crowdbotics www.crowdbotics.com
A FilePicker library sample app for Android for selecting multiple types of mainly documents
A lightweight javascript library to create some amazing effects for the mouse (cursor) on your website - MagicMouse.js : https://magicmousejs.web.app/
This API is designed to empower students, developers, and researchers by providing easy access to high-quality, relevant news data for non-commercial projects.
Bittensor Blockchain Layer
An interactive Android app to manage game tournaments. The app allows referees to easily add participants, generate match schedule, manage results, and view statistics, etc.
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation for your next big idea — freeing you to create without sweating the small things.