A [save_variables] block is needed since a printer save variable needs to be used to have it available after power up.
[gcode_macro PRESSURE_ADVANCE_LIST] description: List all filament pressure advance settings gcode:
{action_respond_info("PRESSURE ADVANCE: No filament defined ABORDED")}
{% else %} {% set pa_dic = printer.save_variables.variables.pressure_advance %} {% set out = ["PRESSURE ADVANCE: Defined filaments"] %} {% for filament in pa_dic|sort(attribute='id') %} {% set _dummy = out.append("%s" % filament.id) %} {% for setup in filament.val|sort(attribute='nozzle') %} {% set _dummy = out.append("Nozzle: %1.02f | Pressure Advance: %1.03f | Smooth Time: %1.03f" % (setup.nozzle, setup.pa, setup.st)) %} {% endfor %} {% endfor %} {action_respond_info(out|join("\n"))} {% endif %}
[gcode_macro PRESSURE_ADVANCE_ADD] description: Add or change pressure advance settings gcode: {% if 'FILAMENT' not in params|upper %} {action_respond_info("PRESSURE ADVANCE: FILAMENT must be defined use "PRESSURE_ADVANCE_ADD FILAMENT=id" as a minimum")} {% else %} {% set cfg = printer.configfile.settings.extruder %} {% set id = params.FILAMENT|string %} {% set nozzle = params.NOZZLE|default(0.40)|float|round(2) %} {% if not printer.save_variables.variables.pressure_advance %} # add first entry {action_respond_info("PRESSURE ADVANCE: Initialize with Filament %s" % (id))} {% set pa_dic = [{'id' : id, 'val': [{'nozzle': nozzle, 'pa' : params.PRESSURE_ADVANCE|default(cfg.pressure_advance)|float|round(3), 'st' : params.SMOOTH_TIME|default(cfg.pressure_advance_smooth_time)|float|round(3)}]}] %} {% else %} {% set pa_dic = printer.save_variables.variables.pressure_advance %} {% for filament in pa_dic %} {% if id == filament.id %} {% set id_index = loop.index0 %} {% for setup in filament.val %} {% if nozzle == setup.nozzle %} # change value of an existing nozzle st an existing filament {% set change_txt = [] %} {% if 'PRESSURE_ADVANCE' in params|upper %} {% set _dummy = change_txt.append("PRESSURE ADVANCE") %} {% set _dummy = pa_dic[id_index].val[loop.index0].update({'pa': params.PRESSURE_ADVANCE|float|round(3)}) %} {% endif %} {% if 'SMOOTH_TIME' in params|upper %} {% set _dummy = change_txt.append("SMOOTH TIME") %} {% set _dummy = pa_dic[id_index].val[loop.index0].update({'st': params.SMOOTH_TIME|float|round(3)}) %} {% endif %} {% if change_txt|length > 0 %} {action_respond_info("PRESSURE ADVANCE: Changed %s at Filament %s Nozzle %s" % (change_txt|join(" and "),id,nozzle))} {% else %} {action_respond_info("PRESSURE ADVANCE: Nothing changed at Filament %s Nozzle %s" % (id,nozzle))} {% endif %} {% elif loop.last %} # add a new nozzle to an existing filament {action_respond_info("PRESSURE ADVANCE: Add setup for Nozzle %s at Filament %s" % (nozzle,id))} {% set _dummy = pa_dic[id_index].val.append({'nozzle': nozzle, 'pa' : params.PRESSURE_ADVANCE|default(cfg.pressure_advance)|float|round(3), 'st' : params.SMOOTH_TIME|default(cfg.pressure_advance_smooth_time)|float|round(3)}) %} {% endif%} {% endfor %} {% elif loop.last %} # add a new filament {action_respond_info("PRESSURE ADVANCE: Add setup for Filament %s" % (id))} {% set _dummy = pa_dic.append({'id' : id, 'val': [{'nozzle': nozzle, 'pa' : params.PRESSURE_ADVANCE|default(cfg.pressure_advance)|float|round(3), 'st' : params.SMOOTH_TIME|default(cfg.pressure_advance_smooth_time)|float|round(3)}]}) %} {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} ### SAVE_VARIABLE VARIABLE=pressure_advance VALUE="{pa_dic}" {% endif %}
[Variables] ercf = {'version': 1.2, 'static': {'unload_modifier': 9.0, 'min_temp_extruder': 180, 'extruder_eject_temp': 240, 'timeout_pause': 72000, 'disable_heater': 600}, 'clog_detection': False, 'endless_spool_mode': False, 'min_bowden_length': 750.0, 'selector': {'pos': [2.4, 24.0, 44.8, 71.2, 92.0, 113.6, 139.2, 160.8, 181.6], 'servo_angle': {'up': 30, 'down': 140}}, 'toolhead': {'end_of_bowden_to_sensor': 27.0, 'sensor_to_nozzle': 60.5}, 'calib': {'ref': 500, 'ratio': [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0]}} filament_loaded = 'true' filament_sensor = {'toolhead_runout': 0, 'runout': 1} plates = {'array': [{'name': 'Mueller', 'offset': 0.0}, {'name': 'Energetics', 'offset': 0.0}, {'name': 'Texture', 'offset': -0.1}, {'name': 'En_Thick', 'offset': 0.0}], 'index': 0} pressure_advance = [{'id': 'ESUN_ABS+_Black', 'val': [{'nozzle': 0.4, 'pa': 0.05, 'st': 0.04}, {'nozzle': 0.6, 'pa': 0.055, 'st': 0.04}]}, {'id': 'KVP_ABS_FL_Blue', 'val': [{'nozzle': 0.4, 'pa': 0.05, 'st': 0.04}]}] print_stats = {'filament': 2779399.9760404243, 'time': {'filter': 99334, 'total': 3274949, 'service': 965487}}