
Primal-Dual Interior-Point Method applied on a constrained CQP.

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Primal-Dual Interior-Point method for Constrained CQP problem

Computational Mathematics project report | a.y. 2018/19 | Prof. Poloni, Prof. Frangioni


This repository contains the implemented soluition for the noML project #3 of Computational Mathematics for Learning and Data Analysis @ UniPi MD Computer Science: that is to design deploy and evaluate a Primal-Dual Interior-Point algorithm to solve a specific convex quadratic optimization problem with linear constraints.

In this report we describe the problem, our implementation choices and experimental results. All the code is developed in MATLAB and can be found in the src folder of this repository.


To run an experiment with our implemented primal-dual algorithm you have to:

  • initialize a constrained CQP problem with proper dimensions (see report for details)
  • run the algorithm with the desired linear solver ('gmres' | 'ldl')
>> n = 1000; m = 200; delta = 0.4;
>> p = genProblem(n, m, delta);
>> [x, fval, lambda, exit_code, tm, it, gaps] = PDIP(p, 100, 1e-14, "ldl");

iter     fval     gap         dualf     primalf     sTx
1     2.402e+01 1.431e+01   4.694e+01 5.661e-16 3.438e+02
2    -4.094e+00 3.757e+01   7.478e+00 7.764e-15 1.538e+02
19    6.074e+01 7.405e-14   4.846e-13 1.404e-15 4.500e-12
20   -6.074e+01 7.019e-15   3.892e-14 1.369e-15 4.255e-13

Execution terminated because duality gap reduced under the threshold
Primal-Dual Interior Point method terminated in 20 iterations
elapsed time is 3.3502 seconds
fval = -6.074e+01 and complementary gap = 7.019e-15

The data scructures used to store the results can be found in the results directory; for further details about fields and dimensions have a look at Section 5 of the report.