-*- mode: Text -*- randprog --- a random generator of C programs Eric Eide and John Regehr {eeide,regehr}@cs.utah.edu University of Utah School of Computing http://www.cs.utah.edu/ Please send bug reports and fixes to Eric Eide and John Regehr. This program is based on an earlier random program generator written by Bryan Turner <bryan.turner@pobox.com>. The default seed is hardcoded. Provide a new seed as the only argument on the command line. The seed is expected to be a hexadecimal string. A suitable string can be retrieved using: WALLET_ADDRESS="a valid Monero wallet address" curl -X POST http://node.moneroworld.com:18089/json_rpc -d '{"method": "getblocktemplate", "params": {"reserve_size": 8, "wallet_address": "'$WALLET_ADDRESS'"}}' Use the blockhashing_blob as the hexadecimal string for the seed.