
get apt fast mirror in command line

Primary LanguagePython

== getfastmirror ==

get fast apt mirror around you in command line.

== Install ==

=== APT install ===

user@host$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ossug-hychen/getfastmirror
user@host$ sudo apt-get isntall getfastmirror

=== python way ===

user@host$ apt-get install python-setuptools
user@host$ ./setupt install

== How to use ==

# use fast mirror by local
user@host$ getfastmirror update -l zh_TW.UTF-8

# use fast mirror by network status
user@host$ getfastmirror update -t

# enabel/disable entries in APT source by filter file.
# this means your can use REGEX to disable/enable entries
user@host$ getfastmirror update -f filter.ini

Example of filter.ini

    uri = http://\w*security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu*
    dist = \w*-security
    action = disable

== Misc ==

mirror_test.py is from python-software-properties package.

== License ==