

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Se(lenium) is a cousin of HyperSelenium. Both aims to enable a developer to write fast browser automations for tests or other purposes. In contrast to Hyperselenium Se uses only Java without a script language.


Maven Dependency via JitPack

Thanks to JitPack you can download Se as a dependency into your maven project.



Simple automation creation

public class MyBrowserAutomation extends AbstractBaseAutomation {

    private static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(MyBrowserAutomation.class);

    public void checkPreconditions() throws PreconditionsException {
        // if false the "test" will be yellow, not red

    public void run() throws Exception {

                .textByName("q", "Selenium")

        // do asserts
        // ...

    public void cleanUp() throws Exception {
        // clean up whatever should be cleaned up

Reusable Snippets

Every automation can be reused as a snippet inside other automations or tests.


Groups are preconditions for many parallel running tasks, in order that they don't hinder each other in the execution.

Parallel running multiple selenium docker instances

            // load the environment
            Environment environment = Se.loadEnvironment();
            // add a group
            Group group1 = new Group(environment, "GitHub1");
            group1.add(new OpenGithubSearchSelenium());
            group1.add(new OpenGithubSearchHydrogen2oxygen());

            // and a second group
            Group group2 = new Group(environment, "GitHub2");
            group2.add(new OpenGithubSearchElectron());
            group2.add(new OpenGithubSearchSpringBoot());

            // run group 1 and 2 in parallel
            Parallel parallel = new Parallel("Parallel Selenium Run, prove of concept", environment);

Planned features

  • Block an automation if preconditions was not fulfilled or if assert was false
  • Generate HTML protocol for all tests
  • Create a INDEX inside the protocol and a overview of all fails and success
  • Online Server Application that (re)runs tests delivered inside a jar file (by syncing a git repo with JGit)