
Command-line tool to interact with Hydrolix clusters

Primary LanguagePython

hdxcli is a command-line tool to work with hydrolix projects and tables interactively.

Common operations such as CRUD operations on projects/tables/transforms and others can be performed.

Hdx-cli installation

You can install hdxcli from pip:

pip install hdxcli

System Requirements

Python version >= 3.10 is required.

Make sure you have the correct Python version installed before proceeding with the installation of hdxcli.


Command-line tool organization

The tool is organized, mostly with the general invocation form of:

hdxcli <resource> [<subresource...] <verb> [<resource_name>]

Table and project resources have defaults that depend on the profile you are working with, so they can be omitted if you previously used the set command.

For all other resources, you can use --transform, --dictionary, --source, etc. Please see the command line help for more information.


hdxcli supports multiple profiles. You can use a default profile or use the --profile option to operate on a non-default profile.

When trying to invoke a command, if a login to the server is necessary, a prompt will be shown and the token will be cached.

Listing and showing profiles

Listing profiles:

hdxcli profile list

Showing default profile:

hdxcli profile show

Projects, tables and transforms

The basic operations you can do with these resources are:

  • list them
  • create a new resource
  • delete an existing resource
  • modify an existing resource
  • show a resource in raw json format
  • show settings from a resource
  • write a setting
  • show a single setting

Working with transforms

You can create and override transforms with the following commands.

Create a transform:

hdxcli transform create -f <transform-settings-file> <transform-name>

Remember that a transform is applied to a table in a project, so whatever you set with the command-line tool will be the target of your transform.

If you want to override it, do:

hdxcli --project <project-name> --table <table-name> transform create -f <transform-settings-file>.json <transform-name>


Batch Job

Create a batch job:

hdxcli job batch ingest <job-name> <job-settings>.json

job-name is the name of the job that will be displayed when listing batch jobs. job-settings is the path to the file containing the specifications required to create that ingestion (for more information on the required specifications, see Hydrolix API Reference).

In this case, the project, table, and transform are being omitted and the CLI will use the default transform within the project and table previously configured in the profile with the --set command. Otherwise, you can add --project <project-name>, --table <table-name> --transform <transform-name>.

This allows you to execute the command as follows:

hdxcli --project <project-name>, --table <table-name> --transform <transform-name> job batch ingest <job-name> <job-settings>.json


  • Profile
    • list
      • hdxcli profile list
    • add
      • hdxcli profile add <profile-name>
    • show
      • hdxcli --profile <profile-name> profile show
  • Set/Unset
    • set
      • hdxcli set <project-name> <table-name>
    • unset
      • hdxcli unset
  • Project
    • list
      • hdxcli project list
    • create
      • hdxcli project create <project-name>
    • delete
      • hdxcli project delete <project-name>
    • activity
      • hdxcli --project <project-name> project activity
    • stats
      • hdxcli --project <project-name> project stats
    • show
      • hdxcli --project <project-name> project show
    • settings
      • hdxcli --project <project-name> project settings
      • hdxcli --project <project-name> project settings <setting-name>
      • hdxcli --project <project-name> project settings <setting-name> <new-value>
  • Table
  • Transform
  • Job
  • Purgejobs
  • Sources
  • Dictionary
  • Dictionary Files
  • Function
  • Storage
  • Integration
  • Migrate
  • Version

FAQ: Common operations

Showing help

In order to see what you can do with the tool:

hdxcli --help

Check which commands are available for each resource by typing:

hdxcli [<resource>...] [<verb>] --help

Performing operations against another server

If you want to use hdxcli against another server, use --profile option:

hdxcli --profile <profile-name> project list

Obtain indented resource information

When you use the verb show on any resource, the output looks like this:

hdxcli --project <project-name> project show
{"name": "project-name", "org": "org-uuid", "description": "description", "uuid": "uuid", ...}

If you need to have an indented json version, just add -i, --indent int:

hdxcli --project <project-name> project show -i 4
    "name": "project-name", 
    "org": "org-uuid", 
    "description": "description", 
    "uuid": "uuid", 