
Query Hydrolix tables from the Trino query engine

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Hydrolix Trino Connector


This is a Trino plugin that allows Trino to access data stored in Hydrolix clusters directly, without ETL.

  • Based on connectors-core.
  • Currently targets version 435 of the Trino SPI. Other Trino versions, or Presto, might come later; Trino/Presto break binary compatibility constantly! If you need a specific version, let us know and we can probably make it happen quickly.

System Requirements

  • Trino 435
  • Worker nodes must be recent (>=2022) x64 Linux. For local development on other machines, you can try Docker, using this configuration parameter.


  1. Install SBT in whatever way makes sense for your OS
  2. git clone git@github.com:hydrolix/trino-connector.git hydrolix-trino-connector && cd hydrolix-trino-connector
  3. sbt +assembly will produce ./target/scala-2.13/hydrolix-trino-connector-assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar


  1. Symlink the JAR that was built by the previous step into the right place in the trino-server directory:

    cd ~/dev/trino-server-435/plugin
    mkdir hydrolix && cd hydrolix
    ln -s ~/dev/hydrolix-trino-connector/target/scala-2.13/hydrolix-trino-connector-assembly-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar .
  2. Add a Hydrolix catalog configuration file to your Trino server:

    cat ~/dev/trino-server-435/etc/catalog/hydrolix.properties:

    ### For GCS:
    # cloud_cred_1=<base64(gzip(service account JSON key file))>
    ### For AWS:
    # cloud_cred_1=<AWS access key ID>
    # cloud_cred_2=<AWS secret key>  
    ### For local dev in Docker
    # turbine_cmd_docker=my_image_name
  3. Run your Trino server:

    cd ~/dev/trino-server-435
    bin/launcher run

    Or, if you want to attach a debugger:

    cd ~/dev/trino-server-435
    bin/launcher \
        -J-Xdebug \
        -J-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=5005 \
  4. Connect a Trino client and run a query!

    java -jar trino-cli-435-executable.jar --catalog=hydrolix --user=admin
    trino> select count(*), min(timestamp), max(timestamp) from hydro.logs where timestamp > now() - (interval '5' minute);
     _col0 |          _col1          |          _col2          
     29699 | 2024-01-11 21:55:00.061 | 2024-01-11 22:04:01.245 
    (1 row)
    Query 20240111_220408_00000_dctfe, FINISHED, 1 node
    Splits: 17 total, 17 done (100.00%)
    8.63 [29.7K rows, 261KB] [3.44K rows/s, 30.3KB/s] 

Feature Set

See connectors-core.

Release Notes


Initial release!