Details / Topics / Slides / Check / Resources / Citation
Conveners: Louise Slater, Shaun Harrigan, Tobias Gauster, Alexander Hurley, Guillaume Thirel, Claudia Vitolo
- Where? Wednesday 11 April at 10:30–12:00 in Room -2.16 (basement!);
- What? This session is aimed at hydrologists who are interested in hearing more about R as well as those who are advanced R programmers wanting to discuss recent developments in an open environment.
- The session is organised in cooperation with the Young Hydrologic Society (YHS).
- Participants are invited to post and discuss questions in the Hydrology in R Facebook group.
The running order of the short course follows a typical hydrological analysis workflow:
- Introduction to the short course - Louise Slater
- Accessing hydrological data using web APIs (a demo of the rnrfa package) - Claudia Vitolo
- Processing, modelling and visualising hydrological data in R (tidyverse; piping, mapping and nesting) - Alexander Hurley
- Extracting netCDF climate data for hydrological analyses (reading and visualising gridded data) - Louise Slater
- Hydrological modelling and teaching modelling (airGR and airGRteaching) - Guillaume Thirel
- Typical hydrological tasks in R (List columns, Leaflet and coordinate transformation, Open Street Maps) - Tobias Gauster
To get all the materials including the datasets and presentation source codes, we recommend to download the whole github course repository. Individual presentations (.html files) can be downloaded and viewed in a regular web browser.
- To follow along, participants may wish to run the following code before the session: install.packages(c("rnrfa", "lfstat", "osmdata", "tidyverse", "sf", "leaflet", "ncdf4","lubridate", "ggplot2", "raster", "rgdal", "airGRteaching", "airGR"))
- For the netCDF presentation, sample gridded data for 2015-06 can be downloaded directly by clicking here and the catchment shapefile can be downloaded from here (see acknowledgments in presentation).
- airGR - a description of the airGR package (IRSTEA GR Hydrological Models)
- R-Resources for Hydrology - a detailed list of R resources for hydrology (slightly outdated now)
- rnrfa - an R package to interact with the UK National River Flow Archive (GitHub repo)
- hddtools - an R package to facilitate access to a variety of online open data sources for hydrologists
Please refer to this course as:
- Louise Slater, Claudia Vitolo, Shaun Harrigan, Tobias Gauster, Guillaume Thirel, & Alexander Hurley. (2018, April). Using R in Hydrology at EGU2018 (Version 1.0.1). Zenodo.
@misc{rhydro_EGU2018, title={Using R in Hydrology at EGU2018}, DOI={10.5281/zenodo.2554009}, abstractNote={<p>This repository contains all contributions to the <a href="">short course</a> delivered at EGU 2018. Materials to this and other short courses can be found on the <a href="">YHS GitHub repository.</a></p>}, publisher={Zenodo}, author={Louise Slater and Claudia Vitolo and Shaun Harrigan and Tobias Gauster and Guillaume Thirel and Alexander Hurley}, year={2018}, month={Apr}}