
Clone Coding Repository for "Zoom Clone Coding" Course of NomadCoder

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Clone Coding Repository for "Zoom Clone Coding" Course of NomadCoder

Lecture Link: https://nomadcoders.co/noom

  • Lecture language: English (Administrated in Korean)

Purpose / Goal

I take the course to recap JavaScript basics and be familiar with some JS functions that will use frequently in the website. Also, by taking this course, I expects to experience WebSockets, SocketIO, and WebRTC.

At the end of the course, I am expected to build both front-end and back-end of a famous video conference application, zoom.

What I Learn

  • Basics of using Pug, the template engine, with express.
  • MVP CSS, making default design of HTML elements look better.
  • Using nodemon to automatically restart server when files changed.
  • WebSocket (wss) clients first handshake with server. Once connection established, server and clients can send messages each other without requesting those. It is bi-directional connection. It knows whether the server/client is connected, closed, and sent message in real time.
    • Compare to the HTTP, client request and server response. It is stateless, meaining that the backend does not remember the state of client.
    • ws is used to build WebSocket server and to communicate with other WebSocket servers.
    • the browsers has built-in client for WebSocket (WebSocket API).
  • SocketIO is a library that enables real-time, bidrectional, and event-driven communication.
    • While WebSocket is standardized way (HTML5) to do real-time communication, SocketIO is not.
    • It support various methods to enable real-time communication, including WebSocket, Pooling, Streaming, Flash Socket, etc. When it initiate the communication, it establishes connection with the most suitable way. Therefore, though the browser does not support WebSocket, SocketIO enables the browser to communicate in bi-direction.
    • SocketIO has more advanced features (including room, broadcasting, etc.) than WebSocket.
    • Need to import a dedicated javascript file to use it from the web browser.
    • Using SocketIO, we can send any events, while WebSocket only support message event.
      • No need to stringify object to generate string.
      • Able to pass as many arguments as we want when we emit a message
        • Able to trigger a functions on front-end (provided as the last argument while emit a message) from back-end (also able to pass arguments)
    • Adapter is syncronizing the real-time applications among different servers.
      • By default, Socket.IO uses In-Memory adapter. When server restarts, all room, message, and socket disappear.
      • Using clustered servers, they cannot share the same memory pool; therefore, to access to other connections in different server, we need to use other adapter rather than In-Memory.
      • Contain information about who is connected and how many rooms are created.
    • Server.sockets.emit() to notify everyone
  • Map: Holds key-value pairs and remember the insertion orders. Any value (either objects or primitive values) can be used as either key or a value
  • Set: store unique values of any type.
  • Optional chaining (?.) is used to read value in the object, but check whether the reference is nullish or not. If nullish (null or undefined), the expression with return undefined.
  • video element is used to show live video retrieved from camera.
  • WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) enables users to stream video, voice, and generic data between peers.
    • When I build chat application using Socket.IO, many webSockets are connected to one server. When message sent, the message goes to server; then server pass the messaage to everyone. It is not a peer-to-peer application.
    • Using webRTC, the data are not sent to server. The data send directly to the other user.
      • Server exists only to signal each peers to establish connections.
    • Connection Establish/Exchange Diagram: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebRTC_API/Connectivity
    • Use RTCPeerConnection to prepare establishing a WebRTC connection between the local and remote computers.
      • UseRTCPeerConnection.addTrack() to add new media track to the set of tracks which will be transmitted to the connected peer.
        • Need to specify MediaStreamTrack representing the media track to add to the peer connection. Also, the function get optinoal argument of MediaStream indicates where the track should be added. It provides a convenient way to group tracks together on receiving end of the connection.
      • Once new user joined (Previous user gets notification), the existing users need to send offer to new user in order to start a new WebRTC connection to a remoe user.
      • Once the remote end receives the offer, it need to reply an answer to the origin.
        • The remote end needs to set the remote description using the offer received. It can be done by using RTCPeerConnecion.setRemoteDescription().
        • After set the remote description to the connection, the remote end should create and send an answer. It can be done by using RTCPeerConnection.createAnswer().
          • The answer becomes local description of remote end's connection.
          • The sent answer should be the remote description of the other end's connection.
    • [RTCIceCandidate] indicates the candidate Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE) configuration which may be used to establish the RTCPeerConnection.
      • An ICE candidate describes the protocols and routing needs for WebRTC to be able to communicate with a remote device.
      • When starting a WebRTC connection, various candidates are proposed by each end; then, one best specification is selected to commuicate with each other.
      • RTCPeerConnection.icecandidate event occurs when an RTCIceCandidate is added to the local peer (by calling RTCPeerConnection.setLocalDescription()).
        • The event handler of this eent should transmit the RTCICECandidate to the remote peer.
        • When the remote end receives the candidates, it needs to add the candidates to the connection by using RTCPeerConnection.addIceCandidate()
    • After sharing RTCIceCandidate, both ends need to handle RTCPeerConnection.addstream event.
      • Note that RTCPeerConnection.addstream event is depreciated. We need to use RTCPeerConnection.track event instread.
      • It contains information of MediaStream from remote end.
    • Use RTCPeerConnection.getSenders() to retrieve the list of RTCRtpSender, representing the RTP senders transmitting the track's media.
  • Use localtunnel to test/expose the localhost to the public.
  • STUN (Session Traversal Utilities for NAT) server helps clients find the public IP address behind a firewall.
    • Add list of STUN servers that the application will use while creating the RTCPeerConnection.
  • Data Channel can be created by using RTCPeerConnection.createDataChannel().


Simple Open Chats

Followed the lecture contents to build Open Chats.
Used NodeJS, Websockets, SocketIO, Pug (Template Engine), and CSS/vanilla-JS.

Have simplified designs (Only works on desktop / design for mobile site is neither implemented nor tested)

Detailed information can be found here: https://github.com/hyecheol123/NomadCoder-Zoom/tree/main/open-chats

1-on-1 Private Video Call

Followed the lecture contents to build Zoom Clone. Used NodeJS, express, SocketIO, WebRTC, Pub (Template Engine), and CSS/vanilla-JS.

Using WebRTC, all the video, audio, and text messages does not pass to the server.
Only the participants share the contents; server only used to create connections between the peers

Detailed information can be found here: https://github.com/hyecheol123/NomadCoder-Zoom/tree/main/1-on-1-private-video-call