
As I submitted the assignment and no-longer be updated, I archived this repository. If you have any question or comments, please send me an email. (Assignment Webpage: http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~yw/CS540P5S20E.htm)

Primary LanguageJava


Assignment Webpage: http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~yw/CS540P5S20E.htm
Repository for the 55th programming assignment of UW-Madison CS540 Summer 2020 course (Introduction to Artificial Intelligence)


Create random maze and compare multiple uninformed and informed search algorithms


Create h = 58 by w = 57 rectangular orthogonal maze by parsing an image from the Maze Generator

Data Pre-processing

Parse svg format image file to text

  • vertical wall: |
  • horizontal wall: --
  • intersection: +


  • Parse maze
    • Related Question: Q1, Q2
  • Uninformed Search (BFS, DFS)
    • Related Question: Q3, Q5, Q6
  • Informed Search (A*)
    • Related Question: Q7, Q8, Q9


  • Q1
    (plot) Enter the plot of the maze
  • Q2
    (succ) Enter the successor matrix of the maze (h lines, each line containing w strings, comma separated, each strings represent the list of possible successors, a subset of the characters "U" "D" "L" "R").
  • Q3
    (solution) Enter the action sequence (one line, a sequence of characters "U" "D" "L" "R", no comma in between them).
  • Q4
    (plot_solution) Enter the plot of the maze with the solution
  • Q5
    (bfs) Enter the list of states searched by BFS (h lines, each line containing w integers either 0 or 1, 1 means searched, comma separated).
  • Q6
    (dfs) Enter the list of states searched by DFS (h lines, each line containing w integers either 0 or 1, 1 means searched, comma separated).
  • Q7
    (distances) Enter the Manhattan distances to the goal for each cell in the maze (h lines, each line containing w integers, comma separated).
  • Q8
    (a_manhattan) Enter the list of states searched by A* with Manhattan distance to the goal as the heuristic (h lines, each line containing w integers either 0 or 1, 1 means searched, comma separated).
  • Q9
    (a_euclidean) Enter the list of states searched by A* with Euclidean distance to the goal as the heuristic (h lines, each line containing w integers either 0 or 1, 1 means searched, comma separated).