
Hadoop3.2 single/cluster mode with web terminal gotty, spark, jupyter pyspark, hive, eco etc.

Primary LanguageShell


This docker uses Hadoop version 3.2.0.

  • This docker hadoop includes a protocol buffer to support the binary format. (In the serialization process, Hadoop transfers data in two ways: Text format / Binary format. When the data type between servers is wrong, data developed in different languages ​​is transmitted.) https://cloud.docker.com/repository/docker/modenaf360/hadoop-3.2

  • This Hadoop image based on ubuntu Linux ver.1604

  • In cluster mode, it is possible to add a tasknode that is activated only by nodemanager.

  • All Hadoop cluster nodes have a gotty browser terminal for work.

  • A Hadoop cluster created with this image has the same rsa key in the root account. ssh port 22

  • All Hadoop applications run in the background(except for the tasknode) You can stop, restart, and start the Hadoop application again in the container after the launch of the docker.

  • The entrypoint.sh of the Hadoop Docker image was referenced in big-data-europe/docker-hadoop.

Supported Hadoop Versions

  • Hadoop 3.2.0 with Oracle jdk1.8 on Ubuntu 16.04

Order of linkage of the image layer to the docker

ubuntu-1604 > hadoop-base > hadoop-3.2

How to use

There are many Linux environment variables to use as a Hadoop environment file in docker-compose. env_file:

docker options are as follows,

Variables Description
-e CLUSTER_NAME Used to determine Hadoop cluster name, initial dfs format.
-v ~:/hadoop/dfs/name hadoop namenode data volume mount
-v ~:/hadoop/dfs/data hadoop datanode data volume mount
-e NODE_TYPE Trigger that determines the name node and invokes Hadoop applications. There is only one in the cluster.
-e WORKER_NODE In clustermode, apply to namenode and determine datanode. ex> slave1slave2
-e GOTTY_ID gotty login id, linux environment variables, do not use start character '!' '$' '&'
-e GOTTY_PW gotty login password, linux environment variables , do not use start character '!' '$' '&'
-e TZ take it to user country, linux environment variables

0. Making bridge overlay network

For example, create a network named 'hadoop_cluster_default'.

docker network create -d bridge hadoop_cluster_default
docker network ls

1. Hadoop Single Mode

docker-compose -f example/hadoop_singlemode/docker-compose.yml up -d 

2. Hadoop Cluster Mode

master (namenode) is installed with all master related applications except datanode and node manager, and only node manager and datanode are allocated to datanode. If you are using a single PC, such as a synology, set each data node to a different disk volume.Reduces shuffling disk IO for MR operations.

docker-compose -f example/hadoop_cluster/docker-compose.yml up -d 

2-1 In docker orchestration tool

  • Some docker orchestration tools that directly handle the docker overlay network(like Rancher with IPSec) sometimes fail to find the ip for the hostname in the dfs communication. In this error case, add hdfs-site option "dfs.namenode.datanode.registration.ip-hostname-check => false"

3. Dynamic TaskNode ScaleOut

You can add a TaskNode using hadoop.env, which is the same as the endpoint setting of a resource manager in an existing Hadoop cluster. Tasknode has only nodemanager enabled and is automatically joined to the yarn as the resourcemanager endpoint in the same Hadoop environment file. After check active node of the TaskNode UI and Use it.


docker-compose -f ./example/tasknode/docker-compose.yml up -d

All node has Gotty Web Terminal

The gotty browser terminal can be used for account configuration and can be used without validation check if the GOTTY_ID and GOTTY_PW environment variables are not set.

  • gotty is using port internal : 7777 screenshot1

Configure Environment Variables

  • The dynamically configurable Hadoop environment file is shown below.
  • core-site.xml
  • hdfs-site.xml
  • yarn-site.xml
  • httpfs-site.xml
  • kms-site.xml
  • mapred-site.xml

Special characters in environment variables are converted as follows.

  • ___ : -
  • __ : @
  • _ : .
  • @ : _



YARN_CONF_ : yarn-site.xml 


In hadoop.env, the information to change depends on the user setting. The memory settings of map reduce are set as follows,

mapreduce.map.memory.mb + mapreduce.reduce.memory.mb + yarn.app.mapreduce.am.resource.mb < yarn.scheduler.maximum-allocation-mb < yarn.nodemanager.resource.memory-mb

