1. Team Name 

2. Team Members
- Hyeonseok Oh, hyeonso5@gmail.com, Hanyang University, Department of Computer Science, MS
- Jongbin Kim, mrbin20022@gmail.com, Hanyang University, Department of Computer Science, MS

3. Advisor/Supervisor
- Hyungsoo Jung, hyungsoo.jung@gmail.com, Hanyang University, Department of Computer Science, Assist. Prof.

4. Brief Description
- We used "Trie" data structure to store N-grams of input words.

- There is a main thread which process input and output, and 
  there are 37 worker threads which manage the separate trie and process the queries.

- There are one main thread and 37 worker threads running in this program.
  Also, there are 37 trie data structure to store the set of N-grams seperately
  during pre-processing input. Hashing the first character is used for seperation.

- Main thread processes the three types of operations in two ways : 
  (1) If main thread gets 'Q'/query oepration, it broadcasts the query to 37 worker threads,
      waits for all worker threads to finish their job, and prints out the result of the query.
  (2) If main thread gets 'A'/add or 'D'/delete operation, it determines which worker thread
      should handle this operation and enqueues the query to the queue of selected worker thread.
- Worker thread dequeues the operation from its queue, and modifies its trie by adding/deleting
  the N-gram if the operation is 'A'/add or 'D'/delete. If the queue is empty and the query
  broadcast was arrived, then worker thread splits N-grams from the query text and searches its
  assigned N-grams from the trie.
- We used some optimization techniques :
 (1) Remove duplicated N-grams by compare-and-swap.
 (2) Set fixed 64 Bytes as the size of one trie node for cache line optimization.
 (3) Trie node has a caching node for fast lookup when the number of child node is one. 
 (4) Use fine grained timestamp to maximize concurrency when processing 'Q'/query.

5. Third Party Code
- C++ stl (standard template library)