
This repo is a collection of notes and other stuff related to Agda.

Installation of Agda

On macbook pro, there were already some old and/or misconfigured versions of Haskell and cabal. Here's how that was fixed:

  1. get rid of old stuff

    rm -rf ~/.cabal/ ~/.ghc/
  2. Download and install the latest version (ver 8.0.1) of Haskell from https://www.haskell.org/platform/

  3. Uninstall old versions of Haskell so they don't conflict with the newly installed version.

     sudo uninstall-hs thru 7.8.3 --remove
  4. Download the latest cabal-install source code from https://www.haskell.org/cabal/download.html and put it in ~/opt.

     mv ~/Downloads/cabal-install- ~/opt/
  5. Unpack the cabal-install source code and run the bootstrap.sh installation script.

     cd ~/opt/
     tar xvzf cabal-install- 
     cd cabal-install-
  6. Modify the PATH environment variable so we can find stuff in ~/.cabal/bin

     export PATH=$HOME/.cabal/bin:$PATH

    (Note: $HOME=/Users/shinhyeyoung. Also added $HOME/.cabal/bin to PATH variable in the config file .bash_profile, so this directory will be included in PATH in future.)

  7. Run update and install the required dependencies for Agda

     cabal update
     cabal install happy alex
  8. Finally, install Agda

     cabal install Agda
  9. Run agda-mode setup (which merely modifies your .emacs configuration file, so that emacs knows where to find agda-mode).

     agda-mode setup
  10. Launch aquamacs with an agda file called First.agda.

    aquamacs First.agda &

First Steps with Agda

Here are instructions describing how to tell Agda to use the standard library. http://agda.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tools/package-system.html (We haven't followed these instructions yet. We're just keeping the link here for future reference.)

Started with this tutorial:


(So far, only Exercise 1 is done---see file First.agda.)