Hyfn Homestead Project
This is Hyfn's official Laravel local development environment based off of ... Laravel's official local development environment
Laravel Official Documentation:
Official documentation is located here.
Setting Up Hyfn Homestead:
- Install Vagrant
- Install VirtualBox
- Install Git
Step #1.
Run :
git clone https://github.com/hyfn/homestead.git Homestead
in a directory outside of where you store your projects. For instance, if your projects are stored in
Then run the above code in a directory like:
It doesn't matter as long as your projects are not within the homestead repo. Once you've cloned Homestead run
git checkout -b developer
This is where your homestead environment will live and thrive. Don't switch back....hey...don't!
Step #2.
Create ssh keys for yourself preferably at
The location isn't as important as their existence:
- Open Terminal
- run
ssh-keygen -t rsa
make sure you note down where you stored the keys - If for example, your keys were stored in "/Users/whoEverYouAre/.ssh" then replace that location with the location in Homestead-Example.yaml
- Follow these instructions: Windows Instructions
- If for example, your keys were stored in "/Users/whoEverYouAre/.ssh" then replace that location with the location in Homestead-Example.yaml
Note: The first usage [authorize] is for your .pub key, the second usage [keys] is for your private key and does not need the extension
Step #3. Open Homestead-Example.yaml and replace the appropriate values as follows:
authorize: /Users/whoEverYouAre/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
- /Users/whoEverYouAre/.ssh/id_rsa
- map: /where/ever/you/store/your/code/projects
to: /home/vagrant/projects
- map: vm.first-project.local
to: /home/vagrant/projects/first-project/where/ever/index.php/is/located
provisionScript: /home/vagrant/projects/first-project/where/your/project/specific/provision/script/is/setup.sh
- map: vm.second-project.local
to: /home/vagrant/projects/second-project/where/ever/index.php/is/located
provisionScript: /home/vagrant/projects/second-project/where/your/project/specific/provision/script/is/setup.sh
- Keep the domain in the format of vm.your-project.local. "local" is needed for backwards compatibility and standardization, "vm" kinda looks cool
If all goes well homestead should be setup and ALMOST ready to go
Go to your Homestead directory
vagrant box add laravel/homestead
to add the currently tested box -
This will take a while so run
sudo nano /private/etc/hosts
Add entries for each of your project sites you setup in Homestead-Example.yml vm.first-project.local vm.second-project.local
dscacheutil -flushcache
for OSX or for Win 7
ipconfig /flushdns
Rename your Homestead-Example.yaml to Homestead.yaml and overwrite the default (if you didn't just edit it straightaway)
vagrant up
at your homestead directory
At this point you should have the ability to run one virtual machine for all your projects which will be available at
. The box will have the following specs:
- Ubuntu 14.04
- PHP 5.5
- Nginx
- Postgres
- Node (With Bower, Grunt, and Gulp)
- Redis
- Memcached
- Beanstalkd
- Laravel Envoy
- Fabric + HipChat Extension
as well as
- XDebug - so you all can stop var dumping the $#!+ out of your projects
and will compatible with auto-deployment via Laravel Forge.
Wrapping Up
Once you're all setup and everything works here are some tips to make things even more convenient
- Get the hell out of master! We know you didn't switch over at the beginning
- If you're using an IntelliJ based IDE like PhpStorm, WebStorm, RubyMine, etc, you can create a server at with vagrant as the user and your rsa key