This is a project of an undergraduate course EECS 4080 in Fall term 2018 at York University. Part of the code written, as well as support libraries, were based ECJ (A Java-based Evolutionary Computation Research System) version 26. You can find ECJ's website here. If you attempt to run this program, you should download the libraries and any other packages necessary from, since I did not provide them here. ECJ has many powerful tools for GA and GP, along with a user manual and some helpful tutorials for beginners. Also, please consult Koza's famous book "Genetic Programming: On the Programming of Computers by Means of Natural Selection (Complex Adaptive Systems)" if you ever wish to implement a evolutionary algorithm for some applications. To run the progarm in shell: execute run.ps1 in shell.
This was a project of EECS 4080 in Fall term 2018 at York University.