It is an OS for ESP8266 IoT microcontrollers based on Lua-RTOS-ESP8266. But it was significally checked, changed and expanded.
schemaic+pcb (Eagle CAD)
Lua 5.3.4,
Multithreading using Free-RTOS,
UART (ttl rs232, com port),
16 PWMs (hardware),
16 PIOs,
5 ADC (3 up to 3v + 1 up to 1v + 1 used internally),
1 DAC (up to 3v),
OLED screen,
Keyboard with 8 buttons (cursor + 3 special + 1 external),
GUI (menu based. using OLED and keyboard),
Shell by remote (rs232) terminal,
internal Editor of files (remote terminal),
big set of easy to use shell commands (filesystem, ports, devices, network, server, other)
net Ap and Sta modes,
one command WiFi Sta search,
PID regulator module,
Webserver (with compressing):
- static HTML,
- CGI,
- WebSock (up to 5 connections),
- direct access to devices/ports using WebSock,
9p2000/Styx (Plan9/Inferno os) distributed network virtual file system + server:
- list of devices (ex:
ls /n/dev
), - list of device's functions (ex:
cat /n/dev/pwm
), - call a device's function (ex:
echo ch_val -i 5 -n 0.4 > /n/dev/pwm
), - read the result of the function's call (ex:
<> /n/dev/pwm {echo ch_val -i 5 >[1=0]; read}
), - read a file/folder list from the fisical filesystem of the device (ex:
ls /n/fs/html/js
), - read/write/create files on the device's fisical filesystem (ex:
cat /n/fs/html/js/common.js
orecho a Text > /n/fs/afile.txt
), - create new folders on the device's fisical filesystem (ex:
mkdir /n/fs/new_folder
), - remove files or folders from the fisical device's filesystem (ex:
rm /n/fs/html/a_file_or_folder
), - RPC channel (synthetic file
). it allows to send Lua chunk to the device, run it there and return the result. (ex:<> /n/rpc {echo 'pwm[5] = 0.2; return "adc_1=", adc[1];' >[1=0]; read}
), - user's CGI-like synthetic files. (ex: on the remote device:
styx.addfile("a_file", function(a) return a + 8; end);
, from the inferno-shell:<> /n/a_file {echo -n 10.9 >[1=0]; read}
- list of devices (ex:
PC-Studio for easyer upload/download/edit files into/from/on the luOS9p embedded filesystem. also PC-Studio contains remote terminal for luOS9p and other features (in the future). It is written on the Lua and may be edited/expanded easily. It also contains a plugin system for extensions, but it isn't activated for now.
./ # build
./ # flash
cd pc-studio
cd pc-studio/bld
In the device's console or from the lua script:
thread.start( styx.loop )
Or just select Styx server
on the device's gui if you are using LuOS9p-PCB (or other with ported GUI driver)
In the inferno shell/script/limbo etc:
mount -A tcp!<IP address of your device>!6701 /n
Now your IoT device's styx virtual fs is mounted to /n
folder, including branches for drivers /dev
and for access to the fisical filesystem of the your IoT device /fs
. Use it as a regular filesystem.
For this OS was designed a special PCB that included all the necessary hardware/drivers and supports all the features of the OS.
But the OS may be used with the most esp8266-based boards (maybe with changes in the drivers part of the OS according to the target hardware)