🎵 MVC SPA Player

Project created as part of the discipline Backend Architecture.


  • /music - Generate the music path to the player.
  • /docs - Swagger UI.
  • /redoc - ReDoc UI.
  • /health - Health checker endpoint.


How to run?

Docker version:

  • cd mvc-spa-player (access the project root folder)
  • cd views (access the frontend folder)
  • npm i
  • cd .. (to get back to the root)
  • docker-compose build
  • docker-compose up

Without docker version:

Starting backend:

  • cd mvc-spa-player (access the project root folder)
  • pip install -r requirements.txt (Install dependencies)

Starting frontend:

  • cd mvc-spa-player (access the project root folder)
  • cd views (access the frontend folder)
  • npm i
  • npm start


To run/build individually the services:

  • docker-compose up backend
  • docker-compose up frontend
  • docker-compose build backend
  • docker-compose build frontend

To build the services without cache:

  • docker-compose build backend --no-cache (to build a specific service without cache)
  • docker-compose build --no-cache (to build all service without cache)