Eventex project for the Welcome to the Django course.
- Clone the repository
- Create an environment with pipenv
- Start a shell with the created environment
- Configure the environment variables with the .env
- Start the application
- Run the tests
git clone git@github.com:hygorxaraujo/wttd.git wttd
cd wttd
pipenv install --dev
pipenv shell
cp contrib/.env.template .env
pipenv run up
pipenv run tests
- Start:
pipenv run up
- Access: http://localhost/
- Stop:
pipenv run down
- Test:
pipenv run tests
- Make migrations:
pipenv run makemigrations
This repository is already configured with an automatic deploy.
After each commit to master
, the deploy is started to Heroku on https://eventex-hygor.herokuapp.com/.
- Setup an instance in Heroku
- Send configurations to Heroku
- Define a safe SECRET_KEY for the instance
- Define DEBUG=False
- Define the stack as container
- Configure the email service
- Send the code to heroku
heroku create myeventex
heroku config:push
heroku config:set SECRET_KEY=`python contrib/secret_gen.py`
heroku config:set DEBUG=False
heroku stack:set container
# configure email
git push heroku master --force