
Push SMS to telegram bot

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


Barebone background service that forwards your incoming new SMS (text message) into a chat with a telegram bot. This program does not connect to any intermediate server, it simply issues a new request to telegram bot API each time the phone gets a new SMS.

Supported System

Only tested on

  1. Oneplus 5T on Android 10 (dual SIM)
  2. Oneplus 7t on Android 11 (dual SIM)
  3. Pixel 3 on Android 11


You'll need (1) a telegram bot key (2) the telegram chat id to which you want the bot to forward. You should be able to follow https://dev.to/rizkyrajitha/get-notifications-with-telegram-bot-537l to obtain your telegram bot key and chat id.

You'll also want to turn off battery optimisation for this APP to avoid it being killed by the system.


See https://github.com/hyhugh/SMS2Telegram/tree/master/app/release