_____ _____
| ____|__ _ ___ _ _ | ____|___ ___ __ _ _ __ ___
| _| / _` / __| | | | | _| / __|/ __/ _` | '_ \ / _ \ + (yeah the small plus is here)
| |__| (_| \__ \ |_| | | |___\__ \ (_| (_| | |_) | __/
|_____\__,_|___/\__, | |_____|___/\___\__,_| .__/ \___|
|___/ |_|
Make Escape Great Again!
Special thanks to (Yichao Zhou) the author of original vim-easyescape.
As you can see from the project name, this project is actually based on vim-easyescape. Since I modified the plugin a lot according to my personal preferences, I release this as a seperated plugin.
The essential motivation to modify the original plugin is such that
is lack of the ability to map only 'kj' to escape (I don't want jk to be mapped to escape).vim-easyescape
is lack of the ability to empty a row which contains only spaces on exit (which is vim's default behaviour)
is hard to press? Try vim-easyescape-plus
! vim-easyescape-plus
makes exiting from insert mode easy and hesitation free.
Traditionally, we need to use
inoremap kj <Esc>
so then we can press kj
to exit the insert mode. However, a problem with such map sequence is that Vim will pause whenever you type k
in insert mode (it is waiting for the next key to determine whether to apply the mapping). The pause causes visual distraction which you cannot ignore (which drives me crazy)
does not have such problem and supports custom timeout.
Use your favourite plugin manager. as for me I use vim-plug
Plug "hyhugh/vim-easyescape-plus"
The unit of timeout is in ms. A very small timeout makes an input of real kj
possible (Python3 is required for this feature)!
let g:easyescape_string = "kj"
let g:easyescape_timeout = 100
Python3 is required if timeout (g:easyescape_timeout
) is less than 2000 ms because vim does not provide a way to fetch sub-second time.
- Does not work in command/visual mode (not yet implemented)
- g:easyescape_string must have the length of 2
- Does not support "jj" mapping, you have to use two different characters as the escape string