
SIP based communications service

Primary LanguageJavaScript


ccsip is a programmable SIP based communications service built with Asterisk and Kamailio.

Getting started

The following programs are required to run this:
Create a SIP Trunk using Twilio

Start by creating a twilio account and configuring an elastic SIP trunk. Instructions can be found here.

Configure your environment

Create a file named .env in the project root dir. Inside it export the following environment variables:

  • SIP_TERMINATION_URI - the twilio SIP trunk termination url (ends with .pstn.twilio.com)
  • SIP_TERMINATION_USER — a valid user specified in the twilio SIP trunk credentials list
  • SIP_TERMINATION_SECRET - the password for the twilio SIP trunk user
  • SIP_EXTENSION_SECRET — the secret for registering SIP devices
  • ASTERISK_API_USER — the username to use for the asterisk api
  • ASTERISK_API_SECRET — the password to use for the asterisk api
  • TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID — your twilio account SID
  • TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN — your twilio auth token
  • DIGITALOCEAN_TOKEN — your DigitalOcean API token


Run deploy.sh up

./deploy.sh up