fake gdb use paramiko(ssh) to debug program on remote server, now use for Clion
pip install PyInstaller paramiko ConfigParser
cd gdb-remote-debug dir
run: python setup.py
copy gdb-remote-debug/dist/WinProcessListHelper.exe to Clion's install dir's bin/WinProcessListHelper.exe (backup it)
edit gdb-remote-debug/config.ini
make sure the server files sync local files
Clion:[File]-->[Settings...]-->[Build,Exection,Develoyment]-->[Debugger] choise gdb-remote-debug/dist/gdb.exe
if can not choise, please replace the Cygwin/Mingw's gdb.exe with our gdb.exe
compile your code with -g on server and run it with user in the gdb-remote-dubug/config.ini
use Clion make breakpoint
Clion:[run]-->[Attach to Local Process...] choise program that you run
good luck