A shared coding platform using the Google Drive API
Due 3/6 at midnight Create basic HTML flow and Cucumber stories.
- Determine list of features
- Determine page flow
- Explore Google Drive API
- Check for synchronization
- Google authentication
- Collaboration
- Explore potential coding platform APIs
- Basic layout
- Syntax checker and highlighter for the basic languages (let's focus on Java, Python first)
- Create Dev env where you can load libraries (Does import numpy work?)
- Functionality to run the code.
- Auto-sync to Google Drive – Google API
- Basically "Google Docs for code" - Google API
- Editor – Coding/Other API
- Highlight
- Auto Complete
- Syntax Check
- Running Code (focus on Java first) Coding/Other API
- Compiler
- Development environment
- Terminal
Get Java syntax highlight wile multiple people type
- Login 2 users
- Create development environmet (Create new file/project)
- Have functional editor (textbox that recognizes syntax)
- Sync/Save file to Google Drive with correct permissions (give access to correct collaborator)
- Handle Authentication
- Login
- Registration
- Account Reset
- Handle Sync/Save and Data Transfer
- Handle Permissions
- Home Page (optional)
- Login
- Dashboard
- Holds project folders similar to GitHub /project1/../file1
- Editor
- Logout
- Error Page
Create Rspec tests
- Log in
- Dashboard with list of project folders
- Project view with all files
- File text editor
- New project creation page
- Edit project page
- File viewer without editing
- Error Page