Disable Bluetooth on suspend in Linux

To disable Bluetooth on suspend in Pop!_OS, you can create a script to run the command "rfkill block bluetooth" when the system is going into suspend, and "rfkill unblock bluetooth" when the system is resuming.

You can create the script by running the following command:

sudo nano /etc/pm/sleep.d/disable_bluetooth

Then, paste the following into the script:


case "${1}" in
        rfkill block bluetooth
        rfkill unblock bluetooth

Save the script and make it executable:

sudo chmod +x /etc/pm/sleep.d/disable_bluetooth

This should disable Bluetooth on suspend and re-enable it on resume. To check the current state of the Bluetooth, you can use the command "rfkill list"

Please note that the above method is a general way, Depending on your Linux distribution and version, the steps may vary.


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