
a showcase for Absinthe

Primary LanguageElixir


This is a showcase for Absinthe


  • Battery included

    • You can soon try it in Docker Compose.
  • Written in the latest libraries:

    • OTP 21, Elixir 1.7.4
    • Phoenix 1.4, Ecto 3.0
    • Absinthe 1.4.13
  • Avoiding N+1 problem with dataloader

  • Authorizing user permission with a custom middleware

  • Count the number of records regardless of LIMIT/OFFSET specified, which is very useful in pagination

  • Supports multistage query such as {questions{users{} answers{}}}, {me {users{} questions{} answers{}}}, {questions{answers{users{}}}}, etc.

  • Various queries/mutations

    • mutations
      • login with email and password; supports two permissions
        • normal user
        • admin user
      • create user account
        • only admin user can create new accounts
        • guests(no login user) or normal users are rejected
    • query
      • various queries includes total record counts

How to try this?

  • build docker compose
  • setup table and seed data
    • mix deps.get && mix deps.compile
    • mix ecto.setup
  • access graphiql
    • http://localhost:5001/graphiql
  • Enjoy!


  • Notice
    • users.plain_pasword: raw password(not hashed) on purpose
    • users.permission: 0 = normal user, 1 = admin user
    • all tables, user, question and answer, have total_count field as a virtual field. In case totalCount is specified, the count willl be stored in the field.

GraphQL Schemas

Queries and Mutations