
Demo distributed app

Primary LanguageJava

#Distributed Demo

##Getting Started

This demo consists of 4 web applications:

###Building and running the web apps

####Start the Catalog service

cd catalog-service
gradle run 

The service will start by default on port 8080.

####Start the inventory service

cd inventory-service
lein ring server

The service will start by default on port 3000.

####Start the "in-store" inventory service

cd store-inventory-service
sbt run

The service will start by default on port 9000.

####Start the Hystrix dashboard

cd dashboard
gradle jettyRun

The dashboard should be available on port 7979.

###Buidling and running using Docker

docker-compose up

The ports (8080, 9000, 3000, 7979) should all be published.


The general gist of this demo…we have a commerce-y website. Displays the product listings and product details (price, description, etc.) In addition to this basic information, we also surface information regarding the avaiability of the product - whether the product is currently "In Stock" as well as whether the product is availabile in local ("bricks-and-mortar") stores.

The data driving the site is provided by a product catalog service. Some of the data returned from the catalog service is sourced from the service's own "database" directly. Information pertaining to availability is obtained via API calls to other services.

The availability information is really just a "nice-to-have" bit of functionality. Users still need to be able to browse the product listings and (though it's not implemneted) presumeably be able to place orders, etc.

##Scenario: View Product Catalog

This scenario is fairly uninteresting - all the data presented here is sourced directly from the catalog service. We do, however, want this feature to be as available as possible.

Product Catalog

##Scenario: View Product Detail

This is where the availability ("In Stock", "In-Store") information is presented. Again, this data is obtained via API call to other services. As with the Product Catalog scenario - we want the user to be able to view product info (and Add-To-Cart), even if we aren't able to obtain current availability information.

Product Detail

