
Vagrant demo project that provisions Jenkins and Docker, along with the Docker plugin

Primary LanguagePuppet

#Vagrant + Jenkins + Docker

This is a Vagrant-based setup for Jenkins w/Docker build agents. Uses Puppet to provision the necessary bits and pieces for the Jenkins build master.


  • Vagrant
  • Librarian Puppet for installing the necessary Puppet modules
  • Either VMWare or VirtualBox, for local environments
  • [Optional] Vagrant AWS plugin for AWS environments

##Local Setup

With Vagrant and Librarian Puppet installed, first install the necessary Puppet modules

librarian-puppet install

To bring up your local environment with your default provider:

vagrant up 

Or, with an alternate provider (e.g. virtualbox)

vagrant up --provider=virtualbox

##AWS Setup

This repo includes a branch, feat/aws, that has a modified Vagrantfile that can be used to provision to EC2.

For provisioning to AWS, you'll need:

  • an AWS account
  • a set of AWS credentials - typically you'll set up a user in IAM and generate a set of access keys.
  • a key pair for securing access to the EC2 instance

###Environment variables

The Vagrantfile is set up to grab some necessary information from environment variables. In particular:

  • AWS_ACCESS_KEY -> your AWS access key
  • AWS_SECRET_KEY -> your AWS secret
  • AWS_REGION -> the desired AWS region
  • AWS_KEYPAIR -> the keypair to be used when securing access to the instance
  • AWS_SSH_KEYPATH -> the path to the pem file that corresponds to the keypair

There is a file included in the feat/aws branch that can be used to set your environment variables. Make a copy and update it with your keys, etc. You can source this into your shell.

DO NOT check this file in, especially to a publicly accessible repository - it contains your AWS access keys.

Once you have your environment variables all set up, you can then bring up your EC2 environment:

vagrant up --provider=aws

##Tearing down your environment


vagrant destroy