
Allow renaming keys added by CallsiteParameterAdder

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Currently, CallsiteParameterAdder always adds each parameter under a predetermined key. It would be nice if the user can specify an alternate key for each parameter instead.

A pretty simple to implement and fully backwards compatible way would be to change the init method from

    def __init__(
        parameters: Collection[CallsiteParameter] = _all_parameters,
        additional_ignores: list[str] | None = None,
    ) -> None:


    def __init__(
        parameters: Collection[CallsiteParameter] | Mapping[str, CallsiteParameter] = _all_parameters,
        additional_ignores: list[str] | None = None,
    ) -> None:

The user can then instantiate the processor as

CallsiteParameterAdder({"tid": allsiteParameter.THREAD, "pid": allsiteParameter.PROCESS})