Pinned issues
- 0
use real method for `warn` and `fatal` to improve UX
#648 opened by trim21 - 0
ExceptionDictTransformer issues AttributeError when `exc_info = (None, None, None)`
#656 opened by yaelmi3 - 0
`to_repr` and `rich` breaks logging
#655 opened by Eldeeqq - 0
is there a better way to override single param style in console renderer -from user code
#654 opened by OrHayat - 0
CallSite Parameters first exception call stack
#652 opened by Forceres - 3
A proper way to defer rendering log message?
#644 opened by MasterGroosha - 5
- 5
The syntax to colorize the log message
#646 opened by Pandede - 0
dev.ConsoleRenderer modifies my own style variable
#643 opened by afeblot - 4
Protocol with Self
#641 opened by Forceres - 32
merge_contextvars raises a KeyError
#591 opened by allonhadaya-maven - 2
- 0
- 8
- 7
ExceptionRenderer w/ ExceptionDictTransformer unable to handle exception log outside exception handler
#634 opened by raqbit - 12
"exception" is a possible log level from processors.add_log_level since 23.3.0
#584 opened by kimsappi - 2
- 1
- 2
How to use structlog with logfmt formatted logs?
#625 opened by 5er9e1 - 2
Git tag 24.2.0 signed with a different key
#623 opened by yan12125 - 2
- 1
- 2
stacklevel incorrectly passed as extra in structlog.stdlib.render_to_log_kwargs (typo)
#619 opened by fraser-langton - 1
- 1
#617 opened by ghazalmohseni7 - 1
- 1
Ignore frames in `_FixedFindCallerLogger`
#602 opened by wochinge - 1
How to configure different loggers separately?
#610 opened by Dankko0w0 - 2
- 1
`CallsiteParameterAdder` not pickleable
#600 opened by nathanneibauer - 6
- 3
Integrating `structlog` with `logot`
#596 opened by etianen - 4
- 1
- 1
- 1
Add fallback when loading Protocol
#588 opened by gsemet - 1
- 1
- 3
Traceback when using `stdlib.filter_by_level` with Python Standard Logging Library
#542 opened by abramjstamper - 5
- 3
How to configure CallsiteParameter so I can click on log lines in IDE and jump to the correct line in the file?
#546 opened by suiluj - 1
logs reader
#563 opened by d33m00n - 4
Structlog does not work with tqdm
#564 opened by yauhen-sobaleu - 2
WriteLogger log rotation
#562 opened by mssalvatore - 6
- 0
Allow renaming keys added by CallsiteParameterAdder
#553 opened by Cnoor0171 - 1
question/feature request: Adjustable width in rich_traceback / Passing options to rich
#555 opened by jvacek - 1
- 3
How to disable logging?
#545 opened by PixelSymbols - 1