
Bosco is a free, open-source Discord bot and companion for Deep Rock Galactic players. It can fetch weekly Deep Dives, provide random DRG trivia, and more!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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CodeQL Pytest Pylint Issues Pull Requests

Table of Contents


Bosco is a free, open-source Discord bot and companion for Deep Rock Galactic players. It can fetch weekly Deep Dives, provide random DRG trivia, and more!


Once Bosco has been invited to your server, it supports the following slash commands:


  • Description: Ping Bosco and get latency.
  • Options: None
  • Syntax:


  • Description: Get weekly Deep Dive details.
  • Options:
    • variant: An optional enum indicating which Deep Dive to fetch details for. Enum values: ALL (default), DEEP_DIVE, and ELITE_DEEP_DIVE.
  • Syntax:
    /deep-dive variant=ELITE_DEEP_DIVE


  • Description: You already know what this does.
  • Options: None
  • Syntax:


  • Description: Get a random piece of DRG trivia.
  • Options: None
  • Syntax:


  • Description: Invite Bosco to your server.
  • Options: None
  • Syntax:


  • Description: View the command list and helpful links.
  • Options: None
  • Syntax:

Local Development

In order to run Bosco locally, you will need to install Python 3 and perform some initial setup.


In order for Bosco to interact with the services it depends on (Discord and Reddit), you will need to register for each of these services and obtain your tokens/secrets:

  1. Discord
  2. Reddit


Create a file called .env within the src/ directory to hold your environment variables, and add the following keys (replacing <VALUE> with the real value):



Install dependencies by executing the install.sh script with the -d flag. Alternatively, you can use the -i option while executing the lint.sh, test.sh, or run.sh scripts to install dependencies in a single step:

./src/scripts/install.sh -d


Run the linter by executing the lint.sh script:

./src/scripts/lint.sh [-i,-h]


Run the unit tests by executing the test.sh script:

./src/scripts/test.sh [-i,-h]


Start Bosco by executing the run.sh script:

./src/scripts/run.sh [-i,-h]


Dependencies are automatically scanned and updated with Dependabot every weekday at 10am UTC, as configured in dependabot.yml. For questions about security, please reference the Security Policy.


The bot is automatically deployed to the DigitalOcean App Platform whenever a push is made to the main branch.


Contributions are welcome! If you found a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue. If you would like to contribute changes, please fork this repository, open a pull request with your changes, and link the PR with an issue. All contributions must adhere to the Code of Conduct. PRs must pass all status checks (linting, code quality, etc.) and recieve codeowner approval before they will be merged.

Special Thanks


Neither this project nor its contributors are associated with Deep Rock Galactic or Ghost Ship Games in any way whatsoever.


Copyright © 2023 Hayden Moritz