
Browser API's turned into declarative React components and HoC's

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


react-fns is a collection of imperative Browser API's turned into declarative React components and higher-order components for lots of common situations.

There's a lot more to do. The goal is to standardize almost every Web API on MDN.

Table of Contents

API Reference

Higher Order Components / Render Props

When possible, each component (e.g. <Thing/>) in react-fns also exports a higher-order component with identical functionality (e.g. withThing().

Every render prop'd component shares the same three rendering methods:

  • <Thing render={props => <Inner />}>
  • <Thing component={Inner}>
  • <Thing>{props => <Inner />}</Thing>>

All HoC's will pass through any and all additional props through to the inner component in addition to the props that they inject.


Detect and retrieve current device Motion.

DeviceMotion props

  • acceleration: DeviceMotionEvent.acceleration
  • accelerationIncludingGravity: DeviceMotionEvent.accelerationIncludingGravity
  • rotationRate: DeviceMotionEvent.rotationRate
  • interval: DeviceMotionEvent.interval

For more information about the DeviceMotion API, check out the MDN reference

<DeviceMotion render/>

import { DeviceMotion } from 'react-fns'

const Example = () =>
    render={({ acceleration, accelerationIncludingGravity, rotationRate, interval }) =>
      {JSON.stringify({acceleration, accelerationIncludingGravity, rotationRate, interval}, null, 2)}

export default Example


import { withDeviceMotion } from 'react-fns'

const Inner = ({ acceleration, accelerationIncludingGravity, rotationRate, interval }) =>
    {JSON.stringify({acceleration, accelerationIncludingGravity, rotationRate, interval}, null, 2)}

export default withDeviceMotion(Inner)


Detect and retrieve current device orientation.

DeviceOrientation props

  • alpha: number: value represents the motion of the device around the z axis, represented in degrees with values ranging from 0 to 360.
  • beta: number: value represents the motion of the device around the x axis, represented in degrees with values ranging from -180 to 180. This represents a front to back motion of the device.
  • gamma: number: value represents the motion of the device around the y axis, represented in degrees with values ranging from -90 to 90. This represents a left to right motion of the device.

For more information about the DeviceOrientation API, check out the MDN reference

<DeviceOrientation render/>

import { DeviceOrientation } from 'react-fns'

const Example = () =>
    render={({ alpha, beta, gamma, absolute }) =>
      {JSON.stringify({alpha, beta, gamma, absolute}, null, 2)}

export default Example


import { withDeviceOrientation } from 'react-fns'

const Inner = ({ alpha, beta, gamma, absolute }) =>
    {JSON.stringify({alpha, beta, gamma, absolute}, null, 2)}

export default withDeviceOrientation(Inner)


Retrieve network access from the browser.

Network props

  • online: boolean: true if the browser has network access. false otherwise.
  • offlineAt?: Date: Date when network connection was lost.

<Network render/>

import { Network } from 'react-fns'

const Example = () =>
    render={({ online, offlineAt }) =>
        {online ? 'Online!' : 'Offline'}
        {offlineAt && `Last connected ${offlineAt.toISOString()}`}

export default Example


import { withNetwork } from 'react-fns'

const Inner = ({ online, offlineAt }) =>
    {online ? 'Online!' : 'Offline'}
    {offlineAt && `Last connected ${offlineAt.toISOString()}`}

export default withNetwork(Inner)


Retrieve Geo position from the browser.

GeoPosition props

  • isLoading: boolean: true request status
  • coords?: Position: Geoposition object. Has keys of latitude and longitude
  • error?: PositionError: GeoPosition error. See MDN for shape.

<GeoPosition render/>

import { GeoPosition } from 'react-fns'

const Example = () =>
    render={({ isLoading, coords, error }) =>
        {coords &&  `${coords.longitude},${coords.latitude}`}

export default Example


import { withGeoPosition } from 'react-fns'

const Inner = ({ isLoading, coords, error }) =>
   {coords && `${coords.longitude},${coords.latitude}`}

export default withGeoPosition(Inner)


Retrieve media query (i.e. window.matchMedia().matches) from the browser. Note this component is taken from @mjackson's awesome react-media

Media props

  • query: string: A media query string

Media render props

  • matches: boolean: true if browser matches the media query

<Media render/>

import { Media } from 'react-fns'

const Example = () =>
    query="(min-width: 1000px)"
    render={(match) =>
        {match ? 'mobile' : 'desktop'}

export default Example


Not implemented


Scroll props

  • x: Horizontal scroll in pixels (window.scrollX)
  • y: Vertical scroll in pixels (window.scrollX)

<Scroll render/>

Returns window.scrollY and window.scrollX.

import { Scroll } from 'react-fns'

const Example = () =>
    render={({ x, y }) =>
     <div>Scroll: {x}, {y}</div>

export default Example


Injects window.scrollY and window.scrollX as x and y props.

import { withScroll } from 'react-fns'

const Inner = ({ x, y }) => <div>Scroll Position: {x}, {y}</div>

export default withScroll(Inner)


WindowSize props

  • width: Width of browser viewport (window.innerWidth)
  • height: Height of browser viewport (window.innerHeight)

<WindowSize render/>

Returns window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight.

import { WindowSize } from 'react-fns'

const Example = () =>
    render={({ width, height }) =>
     <div>Window size: {width}, {height}</div>

export default Example


Injects window.innerWidth and window.innerHeight as width and height props.

import { withWindowSize } from 'react-fns'

const Inner = ({ width, height }) => <div>Window size: {width}, {height}</div>

export default withWindowSize(Inner)


Locales props

  • locales: The current browser locales (navigator.languages or navigator.language)

<Locales render/>

Returns canonical navigator.languages or navigator.language as locales.

import { Locales } from 'react-fns'

const Example = () =>
    render={({ locales }) =>
     <span>Right now the time and date is {new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locales).format(new Date())}</span>

export default Example


Injects canonical navigator.languages or navigator.language as locales prop.

import { withLocales } from 'react-fns'

const Inner = ({ locales }) => <span>Right now the time and date is {new Intl.DateTimeFormat(locales).format(new

export default withLocales(Inner)

Utility Components

<Mailto />

Renders <a href="mailto:..." />

Mailto props

  • email: string: Recipient's email address
  • subject?: string: Subject of the email
  • cc?: string | string[]: Email address or an array of email addresses to Cc
  • bcc?: string | string[]: Email address or an array of email addresses to Bcc (blind copy)
  • body?: string: Body copy of the email

<Sms />

Renders <a href="sms:..." />

Sms props

  • phone: string: Phone number
  • body?: string: Body copy of the text message


Useful components

  • Fetch
  • Draggable
  • Droppable
  • Orderable
  • InfiniteList
  • Parallax
  • Pin (to Top / to Bottom)

Browser API's

See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/WebAPI for the full list



Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):



Pavel Prichodko

💻 📖

Richard Powell


Tim Brown


Jack Moore


Dayle Rees


Thomas Flemming


Sam Kvale

🐛 💻

Rhys Powell


Jeppe Reinhold


Macklin Underdown


This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!