
Tools for building location-aware plugins

Primary LanguagePHP

Elgg Geo Tools

Various tools intended to simplify location-aware development

My phone bill is due!


  • If downloading from github, install composer dependencies by running composer install

MySQL Spatial Extentions

  • The plugin optimizes the storage of geographical coordinates by adding a geometry-enabled prefix_entity_geometry table, with a unique entity_guid key. Whenever location metadata is updated, the metadata value is geocoded, and corresponding coordinates are stored in the geometry-enabled table. This allows to reduce the overhead, necessary to sort entities by distance to a given geographical point, or to select entities within certain bounds

  • When you first activate the plugin, the script will iterate through all entities that have geo:lat and geo:long metadata attached to them, and populate the geometry table

  • Default Elgg workflow for storing and updating metadata is left unchanged, so it is safe to disable the plugin at any time without loosing any data


The plugins provides API for getting entities by proximity to a certain geographical point, as well as convenience functions to adding necessary clauses to your elgg_get_entities_* options array;

For a sample implementation see, the search hooks.

Location-based search

The plugin implements location-based search type, where entities within a given radius are shown in the search results and ordered by proximity to the search query if it's a geocodeable location


  • Geocoding is performed via multiple providers using PHP Geocoder library by William Durand https://github.com/geocoder-php/Geocoder

  • Configuration for individual providers is available in the plugin settings

  • Geocoded addresses/locations will be cached in prefix_geocode_cache

Geographic Calculations


The plugin adds several views, which make it easier to standardize location-aware UI:

Form Views

  • forms/geo/postal_address - standard postal address form (submits an array with a configurable name) The action will receive an array with the following keys: street_address, extended_address, locality, region, postal_code, country_code

Input Views

  • input/geo/location - location input with an autocomplete (from existing location metadata) elgg_tokeninput input is required for autocomplete https://github.com/hypeJunction/elgg_tokeninput

  • input/geo/country - country selector (passes ISO codes as option values)

Output Views

  • output/geo/location
  • output/geo/country


The following example will display a list of users within a 200km radius to the current user, and order them by proximity. Please note that this example assumes that you have properly geocoded details of the currently logged in user

$current_user = elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity();
$lat = $current_user->getLatitude();
$long = $current_user->getLongitude();

$radius = 200 * 1000; // 200km in meters

$params = array(
	'types' => 'user',
	'full_view' => false,
	// other getter and lister options

$params = \hypeJunction\Geo\add_distance_constraint_clauses($params, $lat, $long, $radius);
$params = \hypeJunction\Geo\add_order_by_proximity_clauses($params, $lat, $long);

echo elgg_list_entities($params);

The following example will display a list of blogs and bookmarks within a 500 meter radius to an address in a default order (time_created).

$location = "Potsdamerstr. 56, Berlin";

$coords = elgg_geocode_location($location);
$lat = $coords['latitude'];
$long = $coords['longitude'];

$params = array(
	'types' => 'object',
	'subtypes' => array('blog','bookmarks'),
	'full_view' => false,
	// other getter and lister options

$params = \hypeJunction\Geo\add_distance_constraint_clauses($params, $lat, $long, 500);

echo elgg_list_entities($params);

The following example will display a list of 20 featured groups closest to another entity:

$guid = get_input('guid');
$entity = get_entity($guid);

if (elgg_instanceof($entity)) {
	$lat = $entity->getLatitude();
	$long = $entity->getLongitude();

if ($lat && $long) {
	$options = array(
		'types' => 'group',
		'metadata_name_value_pairs' => array(
			'name' => 'featured_group', 'value' => 'yes'
		'limit' => 20

	$entities = \hypeJunction\Geo\get_entities_by_proximity($options, $lat, $long, 'elgg_get_entities_from_metadata');
	echo elgg_view_entity_list($entities, array(
		'pagination' => false,
		'full_view' => false


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