
My shareable dotfiles

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


       /$$             /$$      /$$$$$$  /$$ /$$
      | $$            | $$     /$$__  $$|__/| $$
  /$$$$$$$  /$$$$$$  /$$$$$$  | $$  \__/ /$$| $$  /$$$$$$   /$$$$$$$
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 \_______/ \______/    \___/  |__/      |__/|__/ \_______/|_______/

My personal dotfiles managed with gnu stow.

Supports macOS and Ubuntu/Debian.


  • oh-my-zsh for zsh config.
  • spf13-vim for vim config.
  • Every config file/folder gets linked to its place in the system. No copy of files.
  • Clear structure of config files: every application has its their own folder.
  • Every config file is linked with stow. No other tool is used.
  • Bootstrap script to setup a dev machine with all required packages and tools.
  • Scripts to install required packages with brew and cask.
  • Support for macOS and Linux (Ubuntu).
  • No dependencies, except Bash and gnu stow.

🚀 Installation

Execute the installer from your terminal in order to avoid even having to manually install git!

bash <(curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hypebeast/dotfiles/master/installer)

Setup (⚠️ Outdated documentation ⚠️)

First, make sure you have stow installed. Then, clone this repository to ~/dotfiles.

Bootstrap your Development Machine

Bootstrap the dotfiles with

$ make bootstrap

Link the dotfiles

Link all dotfiles with

$ make link

If you want to link individual config files you can use stow directly. For example,

$ stow git

This will link all git config files to your home directory.

List all available commands with:

$ make help




See License.