
Based on the Medium Article entitled - "Career Advice Nobody Gave Me: Never ignore a recruiter" this repo has a copyable script which you can use to auto-respond to recruiters.

MIT LicenseMIT


Based on the Medium Article entitled - "Career Advice Nobody Gave Me: Never ignore a recruiter" this repo has a copyable script which you can use to auto-respond to recruiters.

This is licensed under MIT so please feel free to fork and use as you'd like.

If you like it, please consider leaving a github star. I think that it would be super cool to see how many people this helps.

The Autoresponse



Thanks so much for reaching out. I'm always interested in hearing about new and exciting opportunities are out there. As a software engineer I'm sure you can imagine that I get a very high volume of recruiters reaching out on LinkedIn. It is a wonderful position of privilege to be in and I'm thankful for it.

It does however mean that I don't have the time to hop on a call with everyone who reaches out. A lot of the time, incoming messages represent a very poor fit indeed.

I would love to continue the conversation, but before I do, I'd like to level set around the level of seniority that you're looking for. 

Can you send along the company name, a job description and, total compensation details for the role you're reaching out in reference to?

While I very much appreciate the fact that exceptionally talented and engaged recruiters reach out consistently, sorting serious and high quality opportunities from spam would be a full time job without an autoresponder.

In the absence of detailed information regarding the nature of the opportunity in question, I will be unavailable for further discussion.

Thanks again for reaching out!
I look forward to hearing from you.


Version for not interesting job offers:


Thanks so much for reaching out. I'm always interested in hearing about what new and exciting opportunities are out there. As a software engineer I'm sure you can imagine that I get a very high volume of recruiters reaching out on LinkedIn. It is a wonderful position of privilege to be in and I'm thankful for it.

It does however mean that I don't have the time to hop on a call with everyone who reaches out. A lot of the time, incoming messages represent a very poor fit indeed.

Unfortunately, it looks like that your offer is currently not interesting for me. However, it would be nice to hear in the future from you.

Thanks again for reaching out!
Best regards,
Sebastian Ruml



Vielen Dank für die Kontaktanfrage und/oder das Angebot. Ich bin immer daran interessiert neue und spannende Möglichkeiten für mich zu entdecken. Wie sie sich vorstellen können, werde ich als Software Engineer von sehr vielen Rekrutern auf LinkedIn angeschrieben. Dies ist eine sehr schönes Privileg und ich bin sehr dankbar dafür in dieser Position zu sein.

Das bedeute jedoch, dass ich nicht in der Lage bin, mich mit jedem zu unterhalten der mich kontaktiert. Leider ist es so, dass viele Angebote nicht sehr passend für mich sind und nicht meinen Erwartungen entsprechen.

Ich würde gerne unsere Konservation fortsetzen, aber davor würde ich gerne besser verstehen, nach welchen Level an Seniorität sie auf der Suche sind.

Können sie mir daher eine genauere Beschreibung mit weiteren Details (e.g. Firmenname, Beschreibung des Jobs, Vergütung, etc.) zu diesem Angebot zukommen lassen?

Ich weiß es sehr zu schätzen, von talentierten und engagierten Rekrutern angesprochen zu werden, jedoch wäre das Herausfiltern von guten und ernsthaften Angeboten ein Full-Time Job für mich und deswegen funktioniert es leider nicht ohne einen "Autoresponder".

Nochmals vielen Dank für den Kontakt und das Angebot.

Würde mich freuen mehr von ihnen zu hören,
Sebastian Ruml