
Boilerplate postgresql, react, graphql, knex, postgraphile, apollo

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Full-stack web app with PostGraphile and React

This repo is for reference to blog post: Building Full-stack web app with PostGraphile and React

Here's the details about technologies we will be using to build our architecture.

  • Database: PostgreSQL
  • Server: Node, ExpressJS and PostGraphile
  • Client: React+TypeScript, GraphQL, Apollo-Client
  • Schema handling: Knex Migrations.


Install postgreSQL and update configuration under following file .env

Edit and save sample.env as .env and update config as per your requirements.

Run the following command in server to install requied packages:

npm install

For schema migrations:

Here is the folder structure for that:

  • Server
    • db
      • migrations
      • seeds

To update your tables as per schema migrations files run the following command:

npx knex migrate:latest

To update your table with static data/seeds run the following command:

npx knex seed:run

Note: Make sure you migrations scripts to build your schema on fresh repo clone, and then proceed to start your server.

Run Server:

To get our server running run any of the following command:

  • yarn start or npm run start : Start our server.
  • yarn watch or npm run watch : Watch mode for server.

Hit following URL http://localhost:8080/graphql to see generated graphql by postgraphile


GraphQL codegen:

To generate graphql querries and mutations hooks based run the following command:

yarn codegen

To have hook based queries and mutations, add them to respected folders and run codegen command as mentioned above.

Here's the folder structute for queries and mutations.

  • src
    • Components
    • graphql
      • query
      • mutations

Run client:

Run the following command in client to install requied packages:

yarn or npm install

To start our client run the following command:

yarn start

You client will run on http://localhost:3000