Hyperaudio Lite - a Super-lightweight Interactive Transcript Player
- AaronMrch
- alexpmorrisYourika Corp.
- alfredoMade with bytes
- bschlagel
- bvblenny
- candideuCanada
- caseywattsHappyAndEffective.com
- ccarvelBrown University Library
- cyrtaMetamedia Technologies
- denisse-dev@ArchLinux @wikimedia
- doc22940Bells Vista Farm
- hamid914@amerandish
- hbredin@pyannoteai and CNRS
- iaincollins@unity-technologies
- jarrodoxical
- jrhoadsDataCite
- maartenhunink
- mfmcc1
- mtownsend5512Quartzy
- naomiaroDeveloper @spotify
- nonoesp@Autodesk · @HarvardGSD · Getting Simple
- nth-attemptNew York
- phishyPixwel
- quantrung9
- rmhallFeasible Impossibilities @FILabs
- romualdo-ahFortaleza, Ceará, Brazil
- spirit3189San francisco
- spswanz
- stevenawToronto, Canada
- thepagEdinburgh UK
- todrobbins@BONCOM
- tpreusseSwitzerland
- triplingualYale University Library
- virgulvirgul
- WernerBleisteinerMunich
- zevaverbachCaterpillar, Inc.