
AWS ECS OpenTelemetry sidecar to send logs and metrics from your containers to HyperDX and other OpenTelemetry collectors. Powered by Firelens and AWS ECS Container Metrics Receiver.

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

AWS ECS OpenTelemetry Sidecar

This repository contains a Docker image that can be used as a sidecar container in an AWS ECS task definition to collect metrics and logs from the application container. The sidecar container runs an OpenTelemetry collector that collects ECS task and container metrics and logs via Firelens from the application container and sends them to HyperDX or another OpenTelemetry collector endpoint.


To use this sidecar container in an ECS task definition, you'll need to create a new task definition with two containers: the application container and the OpenTelemetry sidecar container. The application container should be configured to use the awsfirelens log driver to forward the logs to the sidecar.

Task definition example:

  "family": "firelens-example-otel",
  "containerDefinitions": [
      "name": "app",
      "image": "chentex/random-logger:latest",
      "essential": true,
      "logConfiguration": {
        "logDriver": "awsfirelens"
      "name": "otel-sidecar",
      "image": "public.ecr.aws/hyperdx/aws-ecs-opentelemetry-sidecar:latest",
      "essential": true,
      "environment": [
          "name": "HYPERDX_API_KEY",
          "value": "YOUR_HYPERDX_API_KEY"
      "firelensConfiguration": {
        "type": "fluentbit"
  "networkMode": "awsvpc",
  "requiresCompatibilities": ["FARGATE"],
  "cpu": "512",
  "memory": "1024"

View the examples folder for more task definition examples and configuration options.


You'll need to set the HYPERDX_API_KEY environment variable in the sidecar container to your HyperDX API key. You can get an API key by signing up for an account at HyperDX.

By default, the service.name is populated by the ECS task definition family name, but this can be overridden by setting the OTEL_RESOURCE_ATTRIBUTES="service.name=my_service".

To disable the collection of ECS metrics, set the OTEL_ECS_CONTAINER_METRICS_DISABLED environment variable to true.

To disable the collection of ECS logs, ensure that the awsfirelens log driver is not set on the application container.

To send to a different OpenTelemetry endpoint or collector, set the OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT environment variable to the desired endpoint.

To debug the generated configuration, set the DEBUG_GENERATED_OTEL_CONFIG environment variable to true.

Collected ECS Metrics

The OpenTelemetry collector in the sidecar container collects the following metrics from the ECS task and container via the awsecscontainermetrics receiver at a 1 minute interval:

Task Level Metrics Container Level Metrics Unit
ecs.task.memory.usage container.memory.usage Bytes
ecs.task.memory.usage.max container.memory.usage.max Bytes
ecs.task.memory.usage.limit container.memory.usage.limit Bytes
ecs.task.memory.reserved container.memory.reserved Megabytes
ecs.task.memory.utilized container.memory.utilized Megabytes
ecs.task.cpu.usage.total container.cpu.usage.total Nanoseconds
ecs.task.cpu.usage.kernelmode container.cpu.usage.kernelmode Nanoseconds
ecs.task.cpu.usage.usermode container.cpu.usage.usermode Nanoseconds
ecs.task.cpu.usage.system container.cpu.usage.system Nanoseconds
ecs.task.cpu.usage.vcpu container.cpu.usage.vcpu vCPU
ecs.task.cpu.cores container.cpu.cores Count
ecs.task.cpu.onlines container.cpu.onlines Count
ecs.task.cpu.reserved container.cpu.reserved vCPU
ecs.task.cpu.utilized container.cpu.utilized Percent
ecs.task.network.rate.rx container.network.rate.rx Bytes/Second
ecs.task.network.rate.tx container.network.rate.tx Bytes/Second
ecs.task.network.io.usage.rx_bytes container.network.io.usage.rx_bytes Bytes
ecs.task.network.io.usage.rx_packets container.network.io.usage.rx_packets Count
ecs.task.network.io.usage.rx_errors container.network.io.usage.rx_errors Count
ecs.task.network.io.usage.rx_dropped container.network.io.usage.rx_dropped Count
ecs.task.network.io.usage.tx_bytes container.network.io.usage.tx_bytes Bytes
ecs.task.network.io.usage.tx_packets container.network.io.usage.tx_packets Count
ecs.task.network.io.usage.tx_errors container.network.io.usage.tx_errors Count
ecs.task.network.io.usage.tx_dropped container.network.io.usage.tx_dropped Count
ecs.task.storage.read_bytes container.storage.read_bytes Bytes
ecs.task.storage.write_bytes container.storage.write_bytes Bytes


Thanks to project0/aws-ecs-firelens-opentelemetry for sharing their ECS Firelens configuration for OpenTelemetry that formed the basis of the Firelens configuration in this repository.