
A command line tool for converting big images to Leaflet maps

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A command line tool for converting (big) images to Leaflet maps. Works with huge images, even with ones bigger than available memory.

Algorithm based on the reference implementaion gdal2tiles-leaflet.



  1. Install Python 2.7 for Windows from:
    Select Add python.exe to Path in the installer!

  2. Install GDAL core from:

  3. Install GDAL Python bindings from:

  4. Set GDAL environment variables (from command line):

     setx PATH "%path%;C:\Program Files (x86)\GDAL"
     setx GDAL_DATA "C:\Program Files (x86)\GDAL\gdal-data"
     setx GDAL_DRIVER_PATH "C:\Program Files (x86)\GDAL\gdalplugins"
  5. Install mozjpeg:

    1. Download zip from: https://mozjpeg.codelove.de/bin/mozjpeg_3.1_x86.zip
    2. Extract it to C:\Program Files (x86)\mozjpeg
  6. Install image2leaflet:

    1. Close and reopen the command line window

    2. run:

       pip install image2leaflet


  1. Install dependencies with homebrew

     brew install python
     brew install gdal
     brew install mozjpeg
  2. Install image2leaflet

     pip install image2leaflet


From command line, simply run

image2leaflet bigimage.tif

Which will create a tiled Leaflet map in bigimage subfolder. You can open index.html in the generated folder or check the source is Leaflet configured for that image.

By default the output folder is relative to the image file. You can override it by specifying -o or --output for example:

image2leaflet bigimage.tif -o new-subfolder

The exported format can be either in JPEG (default) or PNG. You can select it using -f or --format switch.

image2leaflet bigimage.tif -f png