
Ontology Visualisation Application

Primary LanguageJavaScriptCreative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-SA-4.0

Ontopop UI Web App



Open source framework enabling the visualisation, search, exploration and management of ontologies.
OntoPop Website

Website · Documentation

Build status

Development Main
Build Status Build status


OntoPop is an open source framework enabling the visualisation, search, exploration and management of ontologies.


  • NodeJS
  • .env file (Copy it from .env-sample or request it from project leader)


npm install

If having issues with starting the application:

  rm -rf node_modules
  npm i
  npx browserslist@latest --update-db
  npm rebuild node-sass
  npm audit fix


npm run build

Run API server

To setup a local server, please follow the OntoPop Services installation guide

Run dev server

npm run dev # opens on http://localhost:3000

To test the build output: npm run start # opens on http://localhost:3000

Testing and Linting

For unit testing:

  npm run test
  npm run test:watch

For e2e testing:

  npm run test:e2e:open   # run npm run dev in a different terminal
  npm run test:e2e:run    # used by the pipeline | run npm run build first if you want to test it

For linting, if using VSCode, make sure to have the following extensions installed:

To check the lint status:

  npm run lint


JSDoc is used to document API parameters.

Extension for JSDocs on VSCode:

Git flow

From develop branch, open a new feature branch

  git checkout -b feature/ONTOLOGY-XX_branch-description

When changes are ready:

  git commit -am 'ONTOLOGY-XX Descriptive commit message'
  git push     ### when ready for review

Definition of done

When code is ready for review, open a merge request. The code can be moved to done when:

  • linting and unit testing are passing
  • The code changes match the ticket requirements.

If minor requirements are not match for any reason agreed with them team, raise a tech debt in the backlog.