Pattern Kitchen


Pattern Kitchen is a collection of pattern languages, spanning domains and disciplines. It aims to be comprehensive, even a bit maximalist, including not only canonical pattern languages but adjacent resources, perhaps pattern-like, perhaps poetic, that feel resonant with the pattern language ethos.

Tech stack

  • this is a static site built with Next.js
  • it also uses Tailwind for styles and MDX for Markdown…and…that's pretty much it!

To contribute…

Feel free to make a pull request with a new pattern language!

For each, please include at minimum:

  • name / title (e.g. A Pattern Language)
  • author of the PL (comma-separate list if multiple)
  • short description (~1 sentence)
  • link(s) to where readers can learn more

Make a new .mdx file in the '/p' directory with slugified title and 'meta' object; see existing pages for a reference of what this should look like.

Optionally also include:

  • full description of the pattern language (in your own words, or if you include excerpts of descriptions for elsewhere, be sure to link to the source)
  • example patterns
  • tags (e.g. "urbanism" or "games")
  • contributor credit, if you'd like acknowledgement for contributing the pattern

I also welcome questions or suggestions in new issues, emails with related thoughts, etc. :)