
A Chrome Extension that allows you to quickly navigate to the last tab

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

  _                     _          _             _     _                    _____           _
 | |       __ _   ___  | |_       / \      ___  | |_  (_) __   __   ___    |_   _|   __ _  | |__
 | |      / _` | / __| | __|     / _ \    / __| | __| | | \ \ / /  / _ \     | |    / _` | | '_ \
 | |___  | (_| | \__ \ | |_     / ___ \  | (__  | |_  | |  \ V /  |  __/     | |   | (_| | | |_) |
 |_____|  \__,_| |___/  \__|   /_/   \_\  \___|  \__| |_|   \_/    \___|     |_|    \__,_| |_.__/

Are you a power user and have many tabs open at once and often in different browser windows?

It can be a real pain to switch between a couple of tabs you're interested in. Often it's something you just recently selected.

This extension takes care of problem. It remembers the last five tabs you selected and displays them to you in a list. The most recent appears at the top of the list. Clicking on an item will select that tab for you automatically. If that tab is in another window then that window is automatically brought to the foreground for you.

Never lose that tab again my friend!

Click here to install App