
:rocket: Deploy your own Telegram Bot API

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Deploy your own Telegram Bot API

Inspired on aiogram

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✨ Features

  • Zero config
  • Restricted mode (Only your bots will be able to use your bot API)
  • Easy build of telegram-bot-api
  • Continuous Deployment with Github Actions
  • Increase bot API limits
  • Your own API endpoint(https://yourdomain.com/bot<token>/getMe)
  • Deploy your bot API to Heroku or fly.io

👇 Steps


Need to install Docker Engine, Heroku CLI or fly.io CLI.


Before deploying, please read this

Clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/hypernova7/tg-server.git
cd tg-server
git submodule update --init --recursive

Create a Heroku app

# Sign In on heroku
heroku auth:login
heroku apps:create <heroku-app-name>


Create a fly.io app

flyctl auth signup
flyctl auth login
flyctl launch # This command will generate a fly.toml file (Please see this: https://fly.io/docs/reference/configuration/#fly-toml-line-by-line)

Add these environment vars to your app

Using Heroku CLI

# List your bot-ids seprate by commas so that
# only your bots can use the API `<bot-id>:AABBCdfghijklmopqrstuvwxyz1234567890`
heroku config:add ALLOWED_BOT_IDS=<bot-id>,<bot-id>,<bot-id> -a <heroku-app-name>
heroku config:add TELEGRAM_API_ID=<api-id> TELEGRAM_API_HASH=<api-hash> -a <heroku-app-name>
# NOTE: To pass extra arguments to telegram-bot-api, you can add the environment var EXTRA_ARGS
heroku config:add EXTRA_ARGS="--proxy=<proxy> --local" -a <heroku-app-name>

Using fly.io CLI

# List your bot-ids seprate by commas so that
# only your bots can use the API `<bot-id>:AABBCdfghijklmopqrstuvwxyz1234567890`
flyctl secrets set ALLOWED_BOT_IDS=<bot-id>,<bot-id>,<bot-id> -a <heroku-app-name>
flyctl secrets set TELEGRAM_API_ID=<api-id> TELEGRAM_API_HASH=<api-hash> -a <heroku-app-name>
# NOTE: To pass extra arguments to telegram-bot-api, you can add the environment var EXTRA_ARGS
flyctl secrets set EXTRA_ARGS="--proxy=<proxy> --local" -a <heroku-app-name>


Optionally and if required, you can set the SWAP_SIZE environment variable to setup swap, by default is disabled. Example: SWAP_SIZE=51200K (51200K = 50MB) or SWAP_SIZE=200M (200M = 200MB) or SWAP_SIZE=4G (4GB = 4GB) or SWAP_SIZE=8589934592 (8589934592 = 8GB in bytes)


Optionally can add full-tokens to ALLOWED_BOT_IDS, if you want to avoid exposing your token when sharing links to your bot files. For example: ALLOWED_BOT_IDS=<bot-id>,<bot-id>:<bot-token>,<bot-id>

Deploy to Heroku

# Sign In into Container Registry
heroku container:login
# Push and deploy Container
heroku container:push web -a <heroku-app-name>
heroku container:release web -a <heroku-app-name>

Deploy to fly.io

flyctl deploy
# Run the following commands only once
# Since it allocates IP's as many as it runs
# Please see this https://fly.io/docs/flyctl/ips/#usage
flyctl ips allocate-v4
flyctl ips allocate-v6


PORT=8080                               # (required) Default port
TELEGRAM_API_ID=<api-id>                # (required) API ID
TELEGRAM_API_HASH=<api-hash>            # (required) API HASH
ALLOWED_BOT_IDS=<your-bot-tokens>       # (required) List of your bot tokens separated by comma
STATS_PATH_NAME=<my-secret-stats-path>  # (optional) Secret path for bot API stats (Stats contain bot tokens)
EXTRA_ARGS=--local                      # (optional) Pass extra arguments to telegram-bot-api command

⚡ Continuous Deployment with Github Actions.

Setup secrets

This repository already provides pre-configured Workflows for Heroku and fly.io. You only need to setup the following secrets on Settings > Secrets > Actions.


Workflows are scheduled to run every day at 12am UTC, and auto-deploy on any updates to the telegram-bot-api submodule. Optionally, can add FORCE_DEPLOY=true to your repository secrets or _deploy_ to your specific commit message to force the deployment. But remember, these Workflows runs everyday.


For private repositories, please enable read and write permissions in Settings > Actions > General > Workflows permissions for auto commits, to keep telegram-bot-api submodules updated if you want.

For heroku:


For fly.io:


💖 Special thanks to


🐛 Any issue?