
Primary LanguageSystemVerilog


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This project's goal is to create a SystemVerilog silicon independent TCP/IP implementation.


  • Functional TCP/IP stack capable of listening and connecting;
  • SACK-capable (tx and rx);
  • ARP table and request/reply;
  • ICMP reply (ping);
  • DHCP client;
  • 1-Gbit RGMII MAC (8-bit datapath).


  • No compliance to RFC;
  • Low tx and rx buffer sizes (only on-chip RAM used);
  • Static RTO;
  • Only 1 connection per instance;
  • Limited simulation and hardware tests.

Project file structure

  • src. Source files for synthesis;
  • ver. Files related to verification
  • tb. Testbench location;
  • hw. Hardware examples;
  • hdl_generics. Submodule containing generic HDL components


Physically, a 10/100/1000 Mbit GMII/RGMII capable PHY should be connected to the FPGA. The top-level entity to be instantiated by user is eth_vlg described in eth_vlg.sv. The ports provided are used to configure and control eth_vlg as well as to send and receive data.

Top-level ports

User data stream connections for TCP and UDP are provided via tcp_xxx and udp_xxx respectively. The control and status lines for DHCP and TCP are also there. Please note that TCP and UDP become avaliable after DHCP has either succeeded or failed to obtain an IP address.


The design is clocked by two (possibly asynchronous) 125MHz clocks:

  • Receive clock is provided by PHY itself as part of RGMII/GMII interface: phy_rx_clk.
  • Internal logic and transmit clock is provided by user via clk port with corresponding synchronous rst. Same clock as phy_rx_clk may be used.

Receive path

Any clock-to-data skew is possible as the PLL in receive path allows for arbitrary phase shift (see example in hw folder). Receive clock provided by PHY is used only as receive PLL reference clock. All logic is including CDC is clocked by the receive PLL's output. The PLL is used to align data to clock for correct timing. This clock drives the input DDR I/O primitives used for RGMII and the write port of CDC FIFO.

Clock domain crossing

Clock domain crossing is handled by mac_vlg_cdc. GMII signals from DDR input primitives are written to CDC FIFO containing true dual-port RAM in receive clock domain. These signals are then read from the FIFO to clk domain. The readout starts a few ticks after empty flag of the FIFO goes low and stops when empty goes high again. This delay is introduced to make sure that there is always at least one unread byte in FIFO (as seen from read side) while the packet is being simultaneously written and read. This is important as subsequent receive logic is expecting uninterrupted data validity val signal during reception of a single packet. While this does not pose a problem if read clock is slower then write clock or if they are coherent, interruptions in val may occur if read clock is faster then write clock especially with longer packets.

Transmit path

The same clock clk used for clocking logic is fed to transmit clock PLL that geenrates phy_gtx_clk with correct phase shift in order to meet PHY's timing requirements.Reference clock for the tx PLL is supplied externally from outside the FPGA. If no 125MHz clocks are present on the PCB, one can generate two 125MHz clocks: one for internal use and the other for phy_gtx_clk and defined correct phase shift between these clocks.

SDC and tuning

Sample constaints.sdc is supplied with Cyclone 10 LP Evaluation Kit example project: hw/c10lp_eval_kit/src/. Firstly, PLL clocks are defined with desired phase shifts. For Intel FPGAs it's important to note that actual synthesys parameters of PLLs are set in rgmii_rx_pll.v and rgmii_rx_pll.v located in hw/c10lp_eval_kit/ip/. The altpll_component.clk0_phase_shift sets phase shift in ns units (unlike degrees in .sdc). A warning will appear in Quartus if these parameters do not match. Receive and transmit clock domains are separated by means of set_clock_groups -asynchronous. The rx constraints are described using virtual clock. It may be necessary to empirically set the rx and tx PLL's phase shift to achieve stable data latching and timing requrements of PHY.

   ╔══════╗     ╔═══════════════════════════════════════╗
   ║      ║     ║               ╔═════╗ ╔════╗          ║
   ║   ┌──╫─dat─╫────────►╔═══╗ ║dpram║ ║sync║ ╔═══════╗║
   ║   │rx╟     ║╔═══╗    ║ddr╟─►w   r╟─►    ╟─► core  ║║
   ║   └──╫─clk─╫╢pll╟─┬─►╚═══╝ ╚▲═══▲╝ ╚═══▲╝ ║ logic ║║
   ║PHY   ╢     ║╚═══╝ └───clk───┘   └─clk──┤  ║       ║║
   ║      ╢     ║         ╔═══╗◄─────dat────┼──║       ║║
   ║   ┌──╢◄dat─╫─────────╢ddr║             │  ║       ║║
   ║   │tx║     ║╔═══╗    ╚═══╝◄┐           │  ╚═══▲═══╝║ ╔════╗
   ║   └──╢◄clk─╫╢pll╟──────────┴────clk────┴──────┴────╫─╢xtal║
   ║      ║     ║╚═══╝                                  ║ ╚════╝
   ╚══════╝     ╚═══════════════════════════════════════╝

Hello world

Sample project is provided targeting Cyclone 10 LP EvaluationpKit. The project implements ESG protocol over TCP/IP. The logic is connected to onboard LEDs D6-D9. Default IP is if no DHCP server is on LAN. TCP port is 1000. After establishing a TCP connection with PuTTY or other tools, type:


You should get a string response containing version and build date. Note: be sure to check Raw in connection type field if using PuTTY.

Configuring the core

The top-level parametaers provide flexibility in configuring the core.

Table 1:

parameter Description Default
MAC_ADDR 48-bit local MAC address
DEFAULT_GATEWAY 32-bit default gateway IPv4 address
MTU Maximum Transmission Unit 1400 bytes
TCP_RETRANSMIT_TICKS Interval between retransmissions 10 ms
TCP_RETRANSMIT_TRIES Tries to retransmit a packet before aborting connection 5 tries
TCP_RAM_DEPTH Address width of 8-bit TX buffer RAM 15kB
TCP_PACKET_DEPTH Address width of RAM which holds info for unacked TX packets 64 packets
TCP_WAIT_TICKS Assemble a packet and send it if no new bytes 1 us
TCP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT If not established/disconnected in time, abort connection 1 s
TCP_ACK_TIMEOUT If no new data is received in time, for pure Ack 125000
TCP_KEEPALIVE_PERIOD Keepalive polling period 5 s
TCP_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL Keepalve retry period 100 ms
TCP_ENABLE_KEEPALIVE Enables keepalives true
TCP_KEEPALIVE_TRIES Number of keepalive retries before disconnecting 5 tries
DOMAIN_NAME_LEN Length of domain name string (DHCP related)
HOSTNAME_LEN Length of host name string (DHCP related)
FQDN_LEN Length of fully qualified domain name string (DHCP related)
DOMAIN_NAME Domain name string
HOSTNAME Host name string
FQDN Fully qualified domain name string
DHCP_TIMEOUT clock ticks before DHCP times out 1 s
DHCP_ENABLE synthesize DHCP (not used, always synthesize)
ARP_TABLE_SIZE Size of ARP table RAM 256 entries
MAC_CDC_FIFO_DEPTH FIFO width for clock domain crossing between rx clock and internal 256 bytes
MAC_CDC_DELAY Delay before reading data from CDC FIFO after empty goes low 3 ticks

Interfacing the core

The top-level ports provide real-time connection control and monitoring.

Table 2:

Port Direction Description
clk in 125 MHz clock (same as phy_rx.clk)
rst in Acive-high reset synchronous to clk
phy_rx in Receive part of GMII interface
phy_tx out Transmit part of GMII interface
tcp_din in Outcoming TCP data
tcp_vin in Outcoming TCP data valid
tcp_cts out Clear-to-send. Deassert vin 1 tick after cts goes low
tcp_snd out Force forming a packet and sending it not waiting for TCP_WAIT_TICKS
tcp_dout out Incoming TCP data
tcp_vout out Incoming TCP data valid
rem_ipv4 in Target 32-bit IPv4 address for active connection
rem_port in Remote port for active connection
connect in Start three-way handshake (active connection)
loc_port in Local (listen) port for active or passive connection
listen in Start listening
idle out Indicates TCP is idle
listening out Indicates TCP is listening
connecting out Indicates TCP is performing connection
connected out Indicates TCP connection is established
disconnecting out Indicates TCP is disconnecting
ready out Core ready to connect
error out Failed to obtain IP address by DHCP
preferred_ipv4 in Preffered IPv4 address to request from DHCP server
dhcp_start in Start DHCP DORA sequence to obtaion IPv4 address
assigned_ipv4 out Assigned IPv4 by DHCP or preferred_ipv4 in case of DHCP failure
dhcp_success out DHCP DORA was successful
dhcp_fail out DHCP DORA failed to complete


Simple testbench is provided to verify functionality. Run modelsim.bat inside tb folder. (modelsim.exe location should be in PATH) 2 modules are instantiated, for client and server. After DHCP sequence and ARP, 3-way handshake is performed and TCP data is streamed in both directions.


The code was compiled with for

  • Cyclone V (5CEBA5) -8 speed grade with Texas Instruments DP83867IR PHY (Quartus 17.1) on a custom PCB.
  • Cyclone 10 LP -8 speed grade with RTL8211 PHY (Quartus 18.0) using QMTech Cyclone 10LP development kit. Both failed timing, although worked as expected. Changing speed grade to -7 fixed timing.

Compiling (Intel)

You can manually specify target FPGA family, part and flash memory used in create_prj.tcl.

set FamilyDev "Cyclone V"
set PartDev "5CEBA5F23C8"
set MemDev "EPCS64"
set FlashLoadDev "5CEBA5"

The pins are modified in pins.tcl.

To compile an example project, run complete_flow.bat. (quartus.exe location should be in PATH). To add code to your desired project