
SMS notifications using Billingrad API

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SMS notifications using Billingrad API

This application using Consul KV storage for serving configuration.

By default it running in development environment and loads keys from Consul with go-sms/development prefix.

You can use any different environment using _ENV environment variable. (ex. _ENV=staging = go-sms/staging prefix in consul)

For production environment ensure this consul keys exist:

go-sms/production/auth_token - auth token for go-sms HTTP API

go-sms/production/close_api_key - Billingrad's API

go-sms/production/delivery_id - Billingrad's API

go-sms/production/open_api_key - Billingrad's API

go-sms/production/port - port for go-sms HTTP API

go-sms/production/receivers - SMS receivers (splitted by , comma)