
stdout and stderr log forwarder for elasticsearch and index viewer

Primary LanguageGo


A light in dark room while you try to find a black cat.

Simple STDOUT/STDERR log forwarder & appication supervisor aimed to microservices.


wget https://github.com/hypersleep/torch/releases/download/0.0.4/torch-linux-64.zip
unzip torch-linux-64.zip -d /usr/bin


1.Put Torchfile in working directory:


2.Run torch:

$ torch ping ya.ru

3.Enjoy logs in realtime:

$ torch -l -f -n 10

or filter by service:

$ torch -l -f -s yaru_checker

$ torch -l -f -s googlecom_checker


Follow all logs from all services in index:

$ torch -l -f -a


Environment variables

All fields in Torchfile (except boolean fields) are expandable by environment variables:

$ export CHECKER_ID=10
$ export PORT=34534
$ export INDEX=my-index
$ export ES_ADDR=http://elasticsearch.service.consul:9200/

Log format

You can specify log format for deeper analysing by fields in high-level tools (kibana for example)

Torch can use two types of formating: regexp and json

1.regexp formatting for ping command:

	"Format": {
		"Options":"(?P<bytes>\\d+) bytes from (?P<ip>(?:[0-9]{1,3}\\.){3}[0-9]{1,3}): icmp_seq=(?P<icmp_seq>\\d+) ttl=(?P<ttl>\\d+) time=(?P<time>\\d+.\\d+ [A-z]+)"

It writes additional fields bytes, ip, icmp_seq, ttl and time to elasticsearch.

2.json formating trying to unmarshal log line as JSON object:

	"Format": {