A procedural library of methods (written in C) for managing stacks of pointers.
You should consult this Wikipedia Article for a more informative approach than asking us to explain it to you.
Because we cannot do this at runtime:
char * array[] = { "one", "two", "three", NULL };
That is not all that we cannot do by far, but represents the most basic need to maintain a "naturally ordered collection" of items at runtime.
The PointerStack allocator manages data allocation, and streamlines the process of tracking the number of distributed allocation units by providing an internal API.
- pointer_stack_initialize_allocation(PointerStackAllocator create, PointerStackReallocator resize, PointerStackDeallocator destroy)
If no dynamic data is allocated for this library, then for each non null
memory managment procedure prototype (malloc, realloc, free) assign the provided
pointer to an internal symbol table that will be used for all memory allocation
Procedures in the 'Lifecycle' category, allow you to create a PointerStack, and dispose of the same.
- PointerStack pointer_stack_create(void)
Creates a new empty PointerStack object fully initialized with a buffer size
of 8 pointer values.
- bool pointer_stack_dispose(PointerStack stack)
Attempts to "release" a PointerStack object. If stack is NULL, or locked, the
operation will fail. If the buffer that holds the pointers (the actual stack),
is defined, that buffer will be freed. Finally the PointerStack object is freed.
Optimization takes place in the allocation and deallocation routines. Instead of, reallocating the "stack frame" for each "push" and "pop", space can be automatically reserved by setting up a proper buffering scheme.
- bool pointer_stack_set_buffering(PointerStack stack, size_t size)
Sets a value on the PointerStack object, that is used to determine how many
pointer values to reserve space for on the PointerStack, whenever space is no
longer available.<br><br>
From time to time, a stack may be some thing that can only grow to a limited number of items, And it may never grow to such a length. For these cases, the following methods are provided.
- bool pointer_stack_set_limit(PointerStack stack, size_t size)
If stack is non NULL, sets the limit value on the PointerStack object to limit.
- size_t pointer_stack_get_limit(PointerStack stack)
If stack is non NULL, return the value associated with the PointerStack upper
From time to time, a PointerStack may require an association of unmanaged data. Such as a type descriptor, a procedural header, or anything related to the contents of the PointerStack, such as yet another PointerStack! For these cases, the following methods are provided.
- bool pointer_stack_set_private(PointerStack stack, void * data)
If stack is non NULL, writes data to the private slot of the stack.
- void * pointer_stack_get_private(PointerStack stack)
If stack is non NULL, returns the private data pointer previously set, or NULL.
You may or may not have, ever heard of "The Pointers of Stack Management". This term was coined here by the original project author. Pointers 1-2 are pretty much your "standard fare". Items further down the list are "trinkets of conventionality". More or less "Code Hacker's Tools". Oddly enough, "The Pointers of Stack Management", can be simply called "The P's of Stack Management" because each operation, begins with the letter 'P'.
For the following operations only, you need to observe this ground rule for any procedure returning a pointer value:
You cannot push a pointer value of -1. That's because -1 is a reserved value to indicate an API error!
bool pointer_stack_push(PointerStack stack, void * pointer)
If stack is null or pointer is -1 the procedure returns false. If the stack data is NULL (non existant) the stack will be buffered according to 1 + the buffer value defined on the PointerStack. If there are no pointer slots available due to a lock or limit, the procedure returns false, or allocates any needed space. The pointer is then pushed to the stack and the operation returns true.
void * pointer_stack_pop(PointerStack stack)
Remove and retrieve the last pointer pushed onto the PointerStack. The item's index is marked as the next location for a push, but is not 'deleted'.
void * pointer_stack_peek(PointerStack stack, size_t index)
Returns the pointer value in the PointerStack at the given index position, or -1 if that value cannot be located. -1 Is the sentinel value for all basic return pointer functions. This is because NULL may actually be the value in the PointerStack.
void * pointer_stack_poke(PointerStack stack, size_t index, void * pointer)
Poke allows one to both set and retreive the current pointer at a given index.
bool pointer_stack_pack(PointerStack stack)
Pack reclaims unused pointer indexes. This is not done automatically for optimal performance. Pack buffers the PointerStack to whatever buffering has been declared for each PointerStack it is called on. 8 pointers, is the default buffering for a PointerStack.
void * pointer_stack_pointer(PointerStack stack, size_t index)
If you need a pointer to a pointer in a PointerStack, this is your man.
Sometimes you need a pointer to a pointer, since we have these, we need a reference counted way to prevent the PointerStack from growing and shrinking. Reallocation sometimes transfers the PointerStack data to a new location. Whenever, a stack is limited, lock/unlock, essentially "do nothing", unless the, stack becomes, "unlimited".
- bool pointer_stack_lock(PointerStack stack)
Always increments the PointerStack lock reference count by 1.<br><br>
- bool pointer_stack_unlock(PointerStack stack)
Always decrements the PointerStack lock reference count by 1.<br><br>
- size_t pointer_stack_get_lock(PointerStack stack)
Always returns the PointerStack lock reference count.<br><br>
I/O, its not just on/off. Its what computers are supposed to do.
- size_t pointer_stack_get_count(PointerStack stack)
Get the number of elements currently in the PointerStack.<br><br>
- PointerStackExport * pointer_stack_export(PointerStack stack, size_t from, size_t to)
Given a valid range of elements, export returns a
["plain jane"](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plain_Jane) newly allocated,
zero terminated, array of pointers which must be freed.<br><br>
- bool pointer_stack_free(PointerStackExport pointer)
Whenever an export is requested, it must be freed by this function.<br><br>
- pointer_stack_import ??
Given a zero terminated array of pointers, place each pointer on to the top of
the PointerStack.<br><br>
- bool pointer_stack_reverse(PointerStack)
Physically, reverses the order of all elements after "packing" to the current
defined parameters. This operation is not effected by "lock" as it will not
result in an operation that relocates the PointerStack element buffer.<br><br>
- bool pointer_stack_invert(PointerStack, bool)
Mathematically, reverses the order of all elements. This only applies to "peek"
and "poke" operations. For all other operations, reverse the PointerStack.<br>
- bool pointer_stack_void(PointerStack, size_t)
Unwind the PointerStack index by a number of items.<br><br>
- size_t pointer_stack_error(PointerStack)
If something went wrong, call this to get the last error. Consequently, clears
the last error.<br><br>
- char * pointer_stack_license(void)
Obtains a char * to the license associated with this library for display at the
user's request, or developer's behest.<br><br>
Combinations of import, export, and void can be used to "slice", "join", "duplicate", "concatenate", or otherwise manipulate entire PointerStacks.
Calling "free" on a PointerStack does not free private data, or any element data.
The PointerStack API, does not recommend manipulating the actual PointerStack pointer. This is in the full interest of data integrity. You should use the operationally sane "export" if you need to manually modify data, or pass it along to something else. Using pointer_stack_pointer, is a pretty good way to "Shoot your eye out kid". Recommendation: adjust for richochet, shoot straight, and laugh triumphantly in the face of fear.
The logical allocation unit/alignment for a platform, (theorhetically), should be the same size as a pointer. This means a pointer stack, in the hands of a master craftsman can be used to allocate machine correct, overflow free multi-byte-plexable, pipeline surfing buffers. Not something we would do, just a fun fact one should know.