
easy tweening & easing (Haxe)

Primary LanguageHaxeMIT LicenseMIT

MIT License Haxelib Version


Tweezer is an easy tweening and easing library designed primarily for use with awe6, the inverted game framework.

This Haxe library extends Robert Penner's easing functions to allow programmatic values to be inbetweened. Or ... "add flavor to motion"! Great for usage in game GUI transitions.

See some examples.


If using awe6:

var l_onUpdate = function( p_value:Float ):Void // The function to call back with a tween value each update
	// do something with p_value - e.g. change the x coordinate of a View
var l_startValue = 0; // The starting value (from)
var l_endValue = 100; // The ending value (to)
var l_startDelay = 500; // The intial delay before the tween begins
var l_duration = 2000; // The duration of the tween
var l_endDelay = 1000; // The final delay after the tween completes
var l_easeType = EEase.EASE_OUT; // The ease type
var l_tweenType = ETween.BOUNCE; // The tween type
var l_completeCallback = function():Void // An optional function to call on completion
	// do something else / chain Tweezers
var l_isSnap = false; // Whether values are rounded

addEntity( new Tweezer( _kernel, l_onUpdate, l_startValue, l_endValue, l_startDelay, l_duration, l_endDelay, l_easeType, l_tweenType, l_completeCallback, l_isSnap ) );

If not using awe6:

var l_startValue = 0; // The starting value (from)
var l_changeInValue = 100; // Change needed in value
var l_duration = 2000; // The duration of the tween
var l_easeType = EEase.EASE_OUT; // The ease type
var l_tweenType = ETween.BOUNCE; // The tween type

var l_currentValue = TweenFactory.createTween( l_currentTime, l_startValue, l_changeInValue, l_duration, l_easeType, l_tweenType );

Please note, for real-world implementations local variables need not be used, they are shown here for ease of explanation.


The following Easing Types are included:

  • Ease In: accelerating from zero velocity
  • Ease In/Out: acceleration until halfway, then deceleration
  • Ease Out: decelerating from zero velocity
  • Ease Out/In: deceleration until halfway, then acceleration

And the following Tween Types are included:

  • Back: easing equation function for a back (overshooting cubic easing: (s+1)t^3 - st^2)
  • Bounce: easing equation function for a bounce (exponentially decaying parabolic bounce)
  • Circular: easing equation function for a circular (sqrt(1-t^2))
  • Cubic: easing equation function for a cubic (t^3)
  • Elastic: easing equation function for an elastic (exponentially decaying sine wave)
  • Exponential: easing equation function for an exponential (2^t)
  • Linear: easing equation function for a simple linear tweening
  • Quadratic: easing equation function for a quadratic (t^2)
  • Quartic: easing equation function for a quartic (t^4)
  • Quintic: easing equation function for a quintic (t^5)
  • Sine: easing equation function for a sinusoidal (sin(t))

A demo suite, to visually illustrate the various combinations of Easing and Tweeing types, is available in the demo folder. The demo uses the awe6 and createjs libraries available on haxelib and can be seen online here.