
write imagery to tiles

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION



The goal of filearchy is to generate pyramid tiled image directories. Like gdal2tiles.py.


  • (somehow) detect the case when warp is not needed (3857->3857 or 4326->4326) and use RasterIO (translate) instead, it should be a bit faster - but how to encode that in the scheme vs. the run?

  • driver and file extension options, we have png and jpeg

  • make it clear that byte-scaling is not mandatory, perfectly valid to have tiles of data like tiles-prod and see sds::wms_amazon_elevation()

  • add palette-handling example (or point to one, probably a gdalraster vignette on byte-scaling and attach palette and expand)

  • VRT creation for tiles (at zoom), or conversion to GTI etc

  • add resampling option

  • discuss parallel write, how to enable

  • exclude transparent tiles (not sure how, do we detect zero-png/jpg?)

  • DONE add arbitrary zoom levels not just a max

  • DONE ‘update’ arg - resume (don’t rewrite non-missing)

  • DONE profile mercator/geodetic/raster

  • DONE - see grout::tile_spec() we have dry_run in gdal_tiles() but I think it should be a separate function to render from the scheme

  • DONE implement xyz vs tms mode

  • DONE generate leaflet.html index


You can install the development version of filearchy from GitHub with:

# install.packages("devtools")


‘gebco_ovr5.vrt’ is a pre-prepared version of GEBCO 2023 elevation COG that has been Byte-scaled and reduced to a manageable subset.

Here we use that as input, it will read data from the internet (a COG of GEBCO), and write tiles from zoom level 0 to zoom level 3, detected as the scope of resolution that includes the highest level of detail available.

We can specify zoom to only generate one or more levels, and the output_dir param can be used to specify where the tiles are written. By default we also get an html index.

#options(parallelly.fork.enable = TRUE, future.rng.onMisuse = "ignore")
#library(furrr); plan(multicore)
dsn <- system.file("extdata/gebco_ovr5.vrt", package = "filearchy", mustWork = TRUE)

tiles <- gdal_tiles(dsn, dry_run  = FALSE)
#> [1] "tiles in directory: /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b"

fs::dir_ls(dirname(dirname(dirname(tiles$path[1]))), recurse = TRUE, type = "f")
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/0/0/0.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/1/0/0.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/1/0/1.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/1/1/0.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/1/1/1.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/2/0/0.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/2/0/1.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/2/0/2.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/2/0/3.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/2/1/0.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/2/1/1.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/2/1/2.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/2/1/3.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/2/2/0.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/2/2/1.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/2/2/2.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/2/2/3.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/2/3/0.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/2/3/1.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/2/3/2.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/2/3/3.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/0/0.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/0/1.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/0/2.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/0/3.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/0/4.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/0/5.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/0/6.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/0/7.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/1/0.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/1/1.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/1/2.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/1/3.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/1/4.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/1/5.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/1/6.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/1/7.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/2/0.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/2/1.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/2/2.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/2/3.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/2/4.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/2/5.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/2/6.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/2/7.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/3/0.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/3/1.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/3/2.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/3/3.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/3/4.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/3/5.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/3/6.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/3/7.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/4/0.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/4/1.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/4/2.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/4/3.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/4/4.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/4/5.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/4/6.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/4/7.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/5/0.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/5/1.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/5/2.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/5/3.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/5/4.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/5/5.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/5/6.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/5/7.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/6/0.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/6/1.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/6/2.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/6/3.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/6/4.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/6/5.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/6/6.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/6/7.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/7/0.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/7/1.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/7/2.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/7/3.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/7/4.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/7/5.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/7/6.png
#> /tmp/RtmpKpD0BY/fileace77665de22b/3/7/7.png

Now open the html index ** “leaflet.html” ** from that directory.

Or, just do a dry_run:

(scheme <- gdal_tiles(dsn,  zoom = 0:5))
#> # A tibble: 1,365 × 11
#>     tile tile_col tile_row  zoom       xmin       xmax      ymin      ymax  ncol
#>    <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl> <int>      <dbl>      <dbl>     <dbl>     <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1     0        0        0     0 -20037508.  20037508. -2.0038e7  2.0038e7   256
#>  2     2        0        0     1 -20037508.         0  -2.0038e7  0          256
#>  3     3        1        0     1         0   20037508. -2.0038e7  0          256
#>  4     0        0        1     1 -20037508.         0   0         2.0038e7   256
#>  5     1        1        1     1         0   20037508.  0         2.0038e7   256
#>  6    12        0        0     2 -20037508. -10018754. -2.0038e7 -1.0019e7   256
#>  7    13        1        0     2 -10018754.         0  -2.0038e7 -1.0019e7   256
#>  8    14        2        0     2         0   10018754. -2.0038e7 -1.0019e7   256
#>  9    15        3        0     2  10018754.  20037508. -2.0038e7 -1.0019e7   256
#> 10     8        0        1     2 -20037508. -10018754. -1.0019e7  0          256
#> # ℹ 1,355 more rows
#> # ℹ 2 more variables: nrow <dbl>, crs <chr>

ex <- c(min(scheme$xmin), max(scheme$xmax), min(scheme$ymin), max(scheme$ymax))
plot(ex[1:2], ex[3:4], asp = 1)

md <- dplyr::filter(scheme, zoom == round(mean(unique(zoom)) ))
with(md, rect(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, border = "red", lwd = 3))

mx <- dplyr::filter(scheme, zoom == max(zoom) )
with(mx, rect(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax))

Code of Conduct

Please note that the filearchy project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.