
Example Android app with a WebView HyperTrack SDK integration

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Android Webview Quickstart for HyperTrack SDK


HyperTrack lets you add live location tracking to your mobile app. Live location is made available along with ongoing activity, tracking controls and tracking outage with reasons.

This repo contains an example Android app with a WebView that demonstrates you how to integrate your website with HyperTrack SDK.

API Reference

Reference for the JS API that you can call from a WebView API Reference

How to get started?

Create HyperTrack Account

Sign up for HyperTrack and get your publishable key from the Setup page.

Clone Quickstart app

Update the publishable key

Insert your HyperTrack publishable key to const PUBLISHABLE_KEY in HyperTrackJsApi.kt

HyperTrack SDK needs Firebase Cloud Messaging to manage on-device tracking as well as enable using HyperTrack cloud APIs from your server to control the tracking.

Run the app

Grant permissions

Grant location and activity permissions (choose "Always Allow" for location).

Start tracking

Press Start tracking button.

To see the device on a map, open the HyperTrack dashboard.


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